I am interested to know if any of you have GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) associated with your lung disease?
If so, what do you do to help control your symptoms. I've been on Omeprazole, Protonix, now take 2 maximum strength Pepcid AC. Was recently taken off the Protonix by my Primary Care Physician so he could experiment and see if I actually needed to be on it. I was good for a very short while. Soon thereafter my symptoms were on a daily basis. Had experienced 3 or 4 severe reflux attacks where I had a lot of pressure in my chest and extreme burning in my throat. Furthermore, the acid reflux contributes to shortness of breath related to my severe asthma; in addition, I produce a lot more phlegm and spit so I am constantly spitting up. Just last week Thursday, June 14, 2018 I had another endoscopy where the doctor took 2 biopsies. Fortunately, nothing ominous was spotted; although, I still do experience symptoms on occasion so it was recommended I go from taking 1 Pepcid AC a day to two pills a day. Please share your experiences with me and what you have done or still do to cope with this uncomfortable disease. Thank you so much and you all have a great day Talk soon.