My teen girl has social anxiety disor... - Living with Anxiety

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My teen girl has social anxiety disorder

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5 Replies

Hello everyone,

My girl has anxiety and cut off from friends and family and I asked help through Gp but still not get any help.How long it will be take to get some psychologist.

This is the third week and on waiting list

Meanwhile what should I do for her because she doesn't want to go to school

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5 Replies


So sorry to hear about your struggle in trying to get help for you Daughter

Are you in the UK ?

I am and so I only have a rough idea what could help if you are to

If you have been referred by your Doctor which I presume you have then the waiting list can take a while which is really no help when we need help right now but you could and I would go back to my Doctor and ask them what you are meant to do in the meantime , I say this because sometimes I get annoyed with Doctors that put us on these waiting lists and then have nothing in place to help us while we are waiting and I think it is time they came up with something and by asking them they will have to give some kind of reply

If again you are in the UK and children do not attend School it can be breaking the law so you need to make sure you are covered

So I would contact School , maybe ask for a meeting in person

Explain everything to them

Could be you could wither arrange for her to have work sent home so she does not get behind or as well maybe they could make adjustments for instance instead of her going in all day every day just an hour or two each day

You say your girl I presume this is your Daughter has been cut of from friends and family ?

If you are her Mum and there is one really close friend she had or other family member she was closed to can you speak with them and maybe slowly see if she will allow them to interact with her , even again if it is just 2 people she allows back in her life apart from you it is small steps but a start :-)

Let her know that you are there for her and when she wants to talk be willing to listen , even if you don't understand her just keep reassuring her things will get better and you will be there for her all the way and a hug is comforting to :-)

There is never any point in getting angry and raising voices in frustration this makes matters worse but keeping communication open between you is important

While she is not at School and hopefully you will contact School and arrange that work to be send home try and keep a routine going for her , like don't let her lay in bed all day but maybe a few jobs set for her to do and if you are going any where taking her with you so she does not loose touch of the outside world :-)

There is an organisation called " Mind " I will add the number for them but they are very good , give them a ring and see what they can advise :-)

Mind telephone number ....020 8519 2122

Let us know how you get on and if you want to talk there is always someone about :-)

Take Care x

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Quran786 in reply to

Thanks lulu that's very helpful for me and I noted useful points from it .

I live in Scotland and this is a totally new situation for me . I had no idea of mental health before.

Her school told me about her and I didn't understand .thats take me a while to understand.

I feel like I'm the worst mother

in reply to Quran786

Hello :-)

I live in the UK , I think it will be quite similar the procedure we have to go through

It does feel like you have been left on your own with all this but once that help does come then it feels a weight has been lifted of your shoulders straight away , it is just the waiting that can feel the worse but keep speaking out , don't feel you can't because you can and I would keep in close contact with the School in fact you could ask if they have any suggestions on organisations that could help , I think that can be the one thing we need to do keep asking

No and please get that thought straight out your head you are not a bad Mother at all in fact a good one !

Things like this can happen to anybody , young and old , it is no reflection on you what so ever , look at all the famous people coming out now saying they have Mental Health issues and have since a child , but what makes you a good Mother and I mean this sincerely you are there for her and you are there fighting her corner trying to get her the help she needs , now does that say you are a bad parent ? no it says she is lucky to have you as a Mum because so many would just choose to ignore it and you are not one of them

This will get better , I know it is so painful to watch a loved one suffering and even worse when it is your child as we feel we should be able to protect them from everything but sometimes we can't but we do what you are doing now , been there for them and sticking with them supporting them the best way we can until they come out the other end and she will :-)

If you need to talk we are here to listen :-) x

I just found this it is called " Young minds "

I will put you the link on to take you straight to it and when you do get on it there is a telephone number for parents to phone , they just may be able to give you some good advise :-)

Hello again :-)

I hope you are coping alright :-)

I was just looking and came across this which I am not sure if it might be of any help to you but will put you the link so you can have a look :-) x

Quran786 profile image

Thank you very much theses are very informative helpline and I will take advantage of it.

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