I've heard magnesium can really help with anxiety. Anyone taking magnesium supplements?
Magnesium: I've heard magnesium can... - Living with Anxiety

I am magnesium chloride I see it helps that I have better control of my anxiety shorter spells too. Helps with muscle twitches and palps.
I have nothing but positives about it.

Hello, I take magnesium as well as vitamin b12. I've been doing a lot better, but it can be attributed to a lot of things that I have done to help myself. However, it can't hurt to take supplements especially the water soluble ones, so I recomend it. Like anything, don't expect instant results as it will take time for your body to absorb them and put them to good use. Good luck.
Thanks! I hope it works for me! Did you have any side effects while taking the magnesium?
I have never taken magnesium I was going to because I had heard good things about it helping anxiety but after checking with my doctor some other medications I have to take magnesium would have not mixed well with them so I was advised not to take it , so just wanted to say to anyone thinking of taking supplements always check with either your pharmacist or doctor first that they will be ok for you x

Thanks for the info
Hi from New Zealand and I have just joined here. I have previously suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Has anyone in this group had it and or have it? Under stress and or extra pressure I can get anxiety attacks, where my heart races. I have been recommended magnesium and I bought some to try. Apparently it is supposed to be very good... x
Hi and thanks for your reply. I will do and I am never going to take, any of the synthetic varieties...so much better with the natural remedies. I have yet to try my rescue remedy too. Take care... x