Ive been reading all your posts but not actually written anything for a while because in my stupid head I thought we were plodding along even if it was at a plateau level.
Kev was diagnosed with non alcoholic liver cirrhosis back in July. He also had sepsis twice and ended up in intensive care where I work.
Since then he has been getting stronger in himself. Struggling to eat normal food as he feels full all the time but with shakes, protein and lots of calogen we have been getting in the calories and proteins.
He was on spiro but it retained too much potassium so he had to come off that which means his ascities is drained roughly 3-4 weeks which he is coping with.
I thought that even though I knew his liver would not repair itself as it was far too damage by what we still don’t know he was doing okish.
His bloods had improved slightly. But then yesterday the doc said that things weren’t going the way they thought and that other people in his position would have only had 6-12 months to live.
I know that he has defied the odds as my colleagues didn’t even think that he would make it out of hospital.
So now depending on the results of the Ct scan they may or may not put him forward for a transplant.
I can’t think of my life without him but I need to know what to expect if the transplant isn’t a go.
he seems so good. There are so many questions that I know can’t necessarily be answered but how can someone look quite well but on the inside be dying.
Sorry for the long message but I can’t talk about this to anyone.
Much love and support to you all xx