All I want to know is a rough idea of how long I have to
Live - I have a full BT including Triclicerides etc.
Please help I need to sort out a Home that my Mother
can afford when I die.
All I want to know is a rough idea of how long I have to
Live - I have a full BT including Triclicerides etc.
Please help I need to sort out a Home that my Mother
can afford when I die.
Sorry that was so abrupt:
I was amiss without saying thanks :o)
again my FB Test are silly figures
GammaGT is 1303
My Gp I Told 1 yr ago that I had cirrhosis is doing a Yearly Check WTG :o)
I need to settle my Finances & make sure my Mum is ok when I go=
she could not afford where we live now.
My GP came back Monday after a 3 week Holiday just after my BTests
Now she has worked Thur/Fri & is having a long weekend til Tues.
I have got NHS England to help though they have not so far.
Just I know that I feel very ill now - all I want is a Prognosis
Thanks to all who have read - I am happy if poss. to give slices of my B+ Liver.
If there are any Healthy bits :o)
Love Lots
Hi brogan and sorry to see you are so anxious. You do have a very High GGT, has your doctor told you what the cause is. Usually if you know the cause you can try to do something to improve things.
Hello Bolly
Thanks for taking an Interest & the Time to Email.
I have cirrhosis (even learnt how to spell it over the Months :o))
I moved to a new area 16 mnths ago & the Doctors are not interested in spending time & money on Cases like me.
When I first Registered there the Doctor recommended Yearly Blood Tests (Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) just had my first (Shaking Head) - He also cancelled my Vit B Compound/Thiamin & Folic Acid Tablets saying we don't Prescribe these to Alcoholics.
I have recently asked NHS England to look at My Doctors & ask them to answer the questions I raised.
However my GP straight away referred me to see a Specialist Consultant (She said it takes 6 working days for this to be Progressed to Hospital(Arrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh).
Finally sorry to go on but the waiting time to see the Specialist is approx 13 wks & my Doc didn't mark the referral as Urgent.
I know that I am close to the end as I have had a couple of bleeds & my Stomach is extended.
Best Wishes
Morecambe England
Sorry to hear your frustrations Brogan. I trust that you are now abstaining 100% from alcohol?
GPs dont know as much about liver disease as hepatologists do, so your GP is right in referring you to a specialist. 6 working days is AMAZINGLY fast in the NHS at the moment, which is horrendously overstretched. The 5 year plan for the NHS is to focus on ill health caused by alcohol, obesity and smoking which are a massive financial drain on this amazing public service. Basically they want us to be more responsible for our own health when it comes to what they call illness caused mainly by 'lifestyle' choices.
Thirteen weeks to be fitted in to a specialist clinic is pretty normal too I'm afraid. Which hospital are you being referred to? I see a specialist at a city centre clinic, which is packed out with people, I usually wait about 2 hours past my appointment time the liver guy is so busy with sick people.
Are you on medication for the ascites and have you had varices banded if you are at risk of bleeds?
Hello Again Bolly
The abstaining not exactly as I should be I drink approx 8 units a Night.
Over the Last say 5 years as my Health has deteriorated I have lost contact with both friends & Family - So my Life is pretty much just Day after Day Ground hog with the Monthly Doctor/Consultant & Hospital Visit.
So I have absolutely nothing to look forward to or live for.
I have other Severe Health Problems which mean I take very Strong Morphine Oxycontine Tablets & Liquid - hence the Health Service have said maybe here you go Drink as much as u like & Take the Tabs wayhey!!?
Yep I had varices when i was in hospital 3 years or so ago I won't go into detail but they just appeared & jumped down the Sink themselves - at that time I had DeepVeinThrombosis so judging the thinning of my Blood & Killing my Liver was tricky.
Yep Initially I Drank ridiculous amounts but I went from Double Figure GGT tp low Triple when an old GP gave me Statins which as u may know take up home in your Liver - Silly Man.
OKidoki thanks again for your interest (Oh just read again your message) I should be going to Lancaster Hospital which is 2miles as the Crow flies but an Hour by Car!!
Ok time for a couple of units and a Film.
Aint life sweet :o(