I plucked up courage to go to see a gp with my suspected lipedema I've always had a bigger bottom half but together with being hypothyroid I've gained so much weight in yhe last 4 years I've gained 6 stone..and my legs look awful..lumpy no knees..uneven and the top of my arms to...well I sat there and had to bare my legs for a couple of seconds because that's all it took ..she touched my thigh with a finger and sat back down and dismissed all my symptoms then diagnosed me with obesity!!!!..I'm on tier 3 weight management waiting list to try saxenda..so I already know I'm fat!...not down to food either!..but the fact she dismissed my symptoms and appearance of my legs is just heartbreaking..who else do I turn to...I've made a complaint about her also...any guidance would be appreciated please.
So upset and angry : I plucked up courage to go... - Lipoedema UK
So upset and angry

I got diagnosed via specialist physio I found via here on this site
She was brilliant
Then wrote letter to GP including the special info pack for Dr included from Lipodema U.K. when you join
My GP was fascinated and has now done the lipodema training and is sending other patients she has to the lipodema clinic
She immediately referred me to local Lipodema clinic
Had my first consultation last week which was really excellent
Gluten free since 2016
On recommendation of physio I also changed to strictly dairy free in August and have seen astonishing improvements
10kg lost in last 10months - but weight dropping faster and especially of legs in particular since cutting dairy out
Both dairy and gluten are inflammatory foods
I know your post is old now but my sister and her friend went on saxenda. Both had their gall bladders removed. Nothing wrong with them before that apart from being a bit overweight??