Throughout my life I have been abused, patronized and judged for being "fat". I couldn't understand my body. Neither my mother who tormented me and severely restricted my food. 3 older slim sibling and then, there you go, a fat little girl. It had to be my fault. It was assumed that I had no self control or I was a secret eater, that I was lazy and somehow stupid. I looked at myself in the mirror as a little girl and I liked what I saw. I had a very tiny waist, slender, elegant shoulders and neck, lovely back, beautiful forearms...I just had this big upper arms, this big legs and chunky calves and my ankles would swell as soon as the temperature rose. When I turned 16, I stopped eating. I was an anorexic for nearly a decade. I never looked the part, except for being all eyes. my hair falling in handfuls and my waist measuring 22", just 3" over what was an acceptable waist for and elegant Victorian a tight laced corset. So no one knew, I was dying and no one knew. Because my body didn't changed much and that odd, loose, dimply fat stayed, I came to believe that I had been designed to live with no food at all. That is how desperate, confused and alone I was. I was always a very active person. I never overate. I had flat mates telling me that they didn't understand my "weight" problem, that in all logic, I should be thinner than them. I didn't understand either, but I kept blaming myself and trying, and trying harder, having to endure the way people look at you, the comments...One woman says "I am blessed with a fast metabolism" and it's fine, no one says: "no, that is not possible, you stick your fingers down your throat, for sure". Another woman says: "I am very active, I actually eat less than it is reasonable and I don't understand why I don't lose weight" and the immediate reaction is: "yeah, right, for sure you are all day on the couch watching TV and stuffing your face".
At 53, I am an experience solo mountain hiker, I barely use public transport because I walk everywhere, I live in a third floor flat with no lift, I swim for 2 hours twice a week, I take part in 10K races, I cycle, I recently took part on my first sprint triathlon, I do ballroom, I go horse riding whenever I can, I do yoga every night and I do strength training with a set of two 6kg weights several times a week. People look at me and they don't get it.
I get it now. At 53.
I think I am going to cry.