Can someone pm me with a possible supplier of LDN without a prescription please?
Thank you
Can someone pm me with a possible supplier of LDN without a prescription please?
Thank you
LDN is a prescription only drug and you need a prescription, obtaining it without a prescription means there haven't been full quity and safety checks.
Please check out ldnresearchtrust.org/LDN_Pr...
Hard pill format (not capsule) so can be split cleanly with pill splitter for fractional doses. eldeen.org
Naltrexone was classified as uncontrolled drug, category 0 by the CSA (Controlled Substances Act) March 2018. Category 0 is same as aspirin and other OTC drugs.
This hard pill is made by pharmaceutical company overseas, and the FDA did study that compounded drugs were correct dosage only 50% of the time while pharmaceutical produced drugs were correct 98% of the time. Study on that eldeen.org web site
That a compounding pharmacy won't compound LDN without Rx is their choice, not because of any current regulatory restrictions.