I started taking LDN three weeks ago for anxiety and I wasn't sleeping . When I started taking it at first I was going to sleep early and waking up early which was great for me because I have a very mixed up sleep routine. But for the last week my sleep routine is back to normal and I am having really bad migraines and nausea . I am taking 3ml at night before I go to bed but these side effets don't kick in until the following evening . I just want to know did any one else have the same problem while taking this. I am disappointed because it started of so well and now everything is going back to how it was before I start taking it plus my anxiety is getting bad again what should I do
Effects of LDN: I started taking LDN... - LDN Research Trust
Effects of LDN

I took LDN for arthritis pain. I thought it worked well for me with no side effects. I stopped taking it because I moved to Scottsdale AZ and my pain is much better. I suggest stop taking it and talk to your doctor. Hope you feel better soon.
3mgs is a large dose to start with. I took far less had no side effects and have built up gradually. I use it in my job so all my patients start on a low dose too.
I can’t say that I’d personally use it for anxiety. Do you have any other issues like low thyroid or high cortisol?
Best wishes
LDN made me so nauseated I had to stop it. Other than vivid dreams, it didn't affect my sleep.

LDN for anxiety is a little different than taking it for inflammatory pain. I take LDN for the latter, but it made my anxiety spike.
I highly recommend following this link:
reading the reports & listening to the interviews. This is what I did, then took my findings to my doctor. We all respond differently which is why I say you should research too.
Personally, I went down to 1.5 mg twice a day for three months, then up to 2.25 once a day, with my doctor's supervision. It's a compromise for me, doesn't help the pain as much as a higher dose, but doesn't aggravate anxiety too much either.
Es una dosis muy alta para empezar sobre todo si la usas para la ansiedad, Después de un año ayer tomé mi primera dosis de 3 mg. Empecé con 0,25 mg aumentando lentamente . Cuando aumento y veo que tengo ansiedad o insomnio vuelvo a la dosis anterior por un tiempo más. Yo cambié a tomar por la mañana y me da energía y así no afecta al sueño. Suerte.
I've been taking 4.5 mg at bedtime for Fibro pain. Awhile ago my ND had me taking it in the morning, too. It didn't seem to make a difference so I went back to taking it only at bedtime again. I just went through a very bad flare so am considering taking it twice a day again. Any thoughts?