I get an extremely dry mouth from LDN 4.5 mg. I wake at night and there is no saliva or moisture in my mouth at all. Does this happen to anyone else, and what can be done about it?
Dry mouth from LDN: I get an extremely... - LDN Research Trust
Dry mouth from LDN

I've never heard of this side effect. How long have you been on that dosage? Are you sure you're not suffering from Sjogren's Syndrome? The other thing that comes to mind, is, maybe you're sleeping deeper and snoring, or mouth breathing?? Not sure! Trying to problem solve. I've heard there are mouth washes/sprays that can help this. I believe they are given to people who've had radiation in the mouth. Might need script from your doctor. Also, not sure where you live, but if it's an area that gets dry in fall and winter, maybe a humidifier in your room would bring some relief. If LDN is benefiting your health in other ways, I'd hate for you to have to quit because of this annoyance! Best wishes!

I have heard of a few people with very dry mouths at night, it's usually due to sleeping deeply with an open mouth. However, it's worth checking with your doctor/and or pharmacist to see if something else is developing.
Mira a ver si estás deshidratado, LDN me produce deshidratación y he tenido que aumentar el consumo de liquidos. Yo soy muy mala para beber, apenas tengo sed.