Sugar (2-DG) has been authorised for ... - Low-Carb High-Fat...

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Sugar (2-DG) has been authorised for CoViD treatment in India!

S11m profile image
6 Replies

Hi, TheAwfulToad .

Following on from Subtle_badger 's humourous post:

about the use of sugar in the treatment of CoViD... Jest not:

If you search YouTube for 2-DG for CoViD there is a lot of info.

As this "fake glucose" prevents the body from using glucose, it would seem to be a good advert for Ketosis - the brain does not need glucose, and can work with ketones instead - and, I believe, cancer cells need glucose, and cannot "live on" ketones.

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6 Replies
TheAwfulToad profile image

Very interesting stuff, but I'm not sure I buy the explanation given in the video.

Competitive inhibition at the GLUTx transporters and failure of phosphorylation is easy to predict from theory and is not debatable. But if that resulted in 'energy starvation' and halted mRNA translation to the extent that's implied, then deoxyglucose would be a metabolic poison similar to cyanide. You would be dead within minutes of ingesting it - or at least you'd feel very ill indeed.

In any case deoxyglucose cannot possibly have any such effect because there are multiple entry points into the Krebs cycle other than the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction (ie., the endpoint of glycolysis). Any cell that contains mitochondria can use multiple fuels. The only exception is your liver. It almost goes without saying that, if the patient is still alive, then the patient's body is switching over to auxiliary power.

The observation that deoxyglucose reduces viral replication and prevents a cytokine storm and/or other life-threatening effects must surely have some other explanation. Changes in the way glucose is metabolized can't be the whole story.

I'm guessing (and it's only a guess) that one factor is this: people who find themselves in trouble with COVID are almost always suffering an assortment of problems related to metabolic syndrome, particularly blood-sugar dysregulation and inflammation. Their organs are already being "forced" to take up more glucose than they know what to do with. Substituting some of that circulating glucose with an "inert" material may be sufficient to (temporarily) offset the ill-defined and wide-ranging effects of excessive blood sugar, although it must surely also result in even worse blood sugar regulation (because glucose uptake is being inhibited).

I suspect deoxyglucose would have no effect at all on people who are in good health.

I've posted various rants about the elephant in the room here and on other social media - viz., that low-carb diets might actually save lives - but no government in the world seems to be following that train of thought. The religious belief in the value of carbs (and the badness of fat) is quite literally killing people.

S11m profile image
S11m in reply to TheAwfulToad

I posted this mostly as a joke - as it is ironic to suggest that anything can be cured with sugar.

I am not trying to promote this drug.

One sachet of the drug would not prevent all cells of the body from getting real glucose.

Cancer cells and viruses need glucose - but the brain (and most cells) can use ketones - so feeding ketones, or being in ketosis, would, I think prevent problems.

It says in the video that the drug is only authorised for use in combination with another drug.

"They" have established that there is "no cure for CoViD" - so any suggestion that anyone has found a cure is greeted with derision - but it would be nice if there was something that worked.

MTCee profile image
MTCee in reply to S11m

Interesting point about cancer cells and viruses needing glucose to survive 🤔

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to MTCee

I was shocked to learn that a PET scan for cancer involves drinking radioactive glucose, and then scanning the body for hotspots, because tumours love sugar; they glow!

How does every oncologist know this, yet not take the next step?

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to S11m

Well, it isn't technically sugar (at least not as far as your body is concerned). But yeah, it's a nice find! I wasn't even aware that it existed.

I find it completely baffling that literally nobody has shown any interest in whether a keto diet reduces mortality. There are enough people doing keto by choice that you could easily do a high-powered observational study. But no. Tumbleweed as usual.

It's a bit OT, but I don't see why we need a "cure" for COVID any more than we need a cure for the common cold. As long as it doesn't kill you or have life-changing consequences (which it doesn't, for ~99% of healthy people) then that's a win. All we need is a treatment protocol that achieves that outcome for as many people as possible, and I think that's what they're trying to do with 2-DG. I hope it works.

Subtle_badger profile image

Thanks. That's really interesting. I will read more about it. Unfortunately, I found the speaker's voice a bit soporific, so didn't concentrate on the details - though I do think TAT might have a point about the mechanism suggested describes a poison (and I now have "cyanide poison mechanism" in my search history 😳).. But a simple, cheap treatment is essential to save lives in India so I hope this proves as valuable as it looks like at first.

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