I was pottering about today and an idle thought popped into my head.
We as individuals are at the pinnacle of our respective evolutionary ancestors trees. Think about that for a moment - they to a man or woman were survivors par excellence and if one link in that long chain had been broken, you and I would not be here. It's an awesome thought and worth considering when making choices for yourself, family or others. If you foul up you might be threatening the next link in the chain. So what could be the cain breaker? Well fairly obviously it's diet if you are a follower here.
So, a lot of time here is spent looking for substitutes of our favourite carby things, and therein lies the danger - for you will be, in most cases, be subject to emotional prompting - boredom for example, or a routine in front of the TV sans popcorn.
Now, our distant ancestors were just glad to have, say, one meal a day - or indeed every other day, so they weren't concerned about tearing open a packet of biscuits or bar of chocolate and might just have had to do with a few nuts or a bit of dried meat. I'm not advocating that of course (but thinking about it - yes I am!) but our recent antecedents such as my grandmother wouldn't recognise the average supermarket addictive treats we have become used to as staples.
So, musings, that's all, as I titled this piece, but recognising (and recognising is the key) what we regard as hunger, might just be using eating as a substitute for how we are feeling, and turning the clock back a little might stop us scratching around for something that should be off our radar.