Found these delicious sausages which are gluten free but more importantly only have 1g of carbohydrate per 100g. And they're really tasty! ๐
For sausage fans: Found these delicious... - Low-Carb High-Fat...
For sausage fans
I must try those
Oh thanks for shsring your experience. I am finding the the low carb diet difficult but these will surely cheer me up. Do you know where to get them?
Well I'm prediabetic and although I'm not really overweight I've been advised to go on a high fat low carb diet. I m finding it pretty boring, tasteless and difficult to balance the carbs. I also like real food of the kind im used to. Anyway, I've bought the recommended book to help me and suggestions like your sausages may help with the flavours I miss. I also want to try and eat more gluton free food as the more I read about gluton the more I realize there are lots of health problems related to it.
Anyway, when I manage to get to a Sainsburys near me I'll buy some and let you know how I get on. Cheers for now. Chrys
Hi Chrys, well it is a drastic change in eating habits to what most people are used to, me included. Total carb junkie here. But as I've got older I realise that carbs don't like me very much and they're really not my friend. So Im not surprised to hear that you're having a hard time getting your head around it. I am surprised to hear that you find it tasteless though. Do you cook meals from scratch? By adding herbs and seasoning and cream and cheese and bacon you can make the most boring meals into something quite tasty. Have a look on websites like Diet Doctor which has loads of really tasty recipes. Keep with it, it does work. Good luck ๐
Drastic is the word and I don't think I'm up to it. However, part of the rehabilitation course I'm on includes having advice on eating healthier, is a dieticion. Today she gave us a sheet to fill out showing a whole day of the food and snacks eaten together with times. We must just do it for three days so she can analyse the strengths and weaknesses. I hope she can encourage me to change my ways.
Thanks for including websites I'll certainly try my luck there too. Cheers.
How are you getting along there RoadRunner44 ? I must say, I'm surprised you're struggling with this; most people find that the food is tasty and the routine is easy to stick to. Eating adequate fat, and large meals, usually knocks the sugar cravings on the head.
I don't make much of a secret of my views on dieticians (viz., most of them can't tell their a$$ from a hole in the ground) but a few of them know what they're doing. If he/she is giving you the right advice, you ought to be feeling a lot more comfortable by now. If not, I suggest just joining in here more often: you'll get some useful advice from people who have been where you are now, and have sorted it out successfully.
Hi, I believe my main problem is because I have a number of different health problems and I'm getting confused as to what I can and cannot eat. The dietition dealt mainly with eating a healthy diet. Using the Palm of the hand as a measure, I have no problem getting the five a day as recommended. She is , however understands my difficulty and is going to find some recipes for me. This willt ensure I can still get the five a day with a few adjustments. So. I'm hopeful.
I am going to Devon for a short break next week so may find it difficult regarding food choices so will wait until I return to concentrate on my diet.
Thanks for keeping in touch. Chrys
To be honest it sounds as if your dietician is giving you the "Eatwell Plate" plan ... which is (a) the exact opposite of LCHF, so it's not surprising that you're confused and (b) incredibly unhealthy, especially for diabetics/prediabetics. Also not surprising that you find it bland and boring.
Has fat been mentioned? If you've been told to limit both carbs and fat, you're going to literally starve.
There is no portion-control required with LCHF. You eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full. You eat as many non-starchy veg as possible, not "palm of the hand" portions. As much meat/eggs/dairy as you feel comfortable with. It's pretty hard to produce boring meals within those wide limits
Certainly your meals will have lots of veg, and that does mean learning some new recipes, but the ones on and are as good as any. It's a big learning curve, no doubt about it - but try telling yourself that you have this in hand, rather than relying on dieticians to tell you what to do. Google is your friend, albeit the sort of friend who wastes a lot of your time talking nonsense.
Looking for the low-carb choices while you're on holiday will keep you in the groove. For example, have a Full English every day ... minus the toast, of course. Order Irish coffees (make sure they use proper cream). If you have a pub lunch, ask them to swap the chips/potatoes for extra veg - they'll usually say "sure, no problem". Anyway, enjoy your break, and do check in here sometimes.
Thank you. I feel a little more in charge after reading your reply. I'll also follow up recipes on the websites you suggest. I think Ill find it easier having a recipe to follow will gently initiate me into this kind if eating. Hopefully the rest will follow, cheers and thanks again. Chrys
Good luck Chrys, don't forget we're here if you need to ask questions. This is a very supportive group and the advice I've received from other members has helped me so much ๐
I'm really interested in this. What do you mean by tasteless? I miss my carbs, but the carbs I have given up are mostly bland - bread, rice, potatoes etc. No one has ever said "This dish needs some pizzazz, let's add couscous!" A stir fry on a bed zoodles or cauliflower rice isn't that different to one on noodles or white rice to me.
Or is it sugar? I can understand that. So many tasty sauces are basically salt and sugar, and of course sweet treats themselves. That's harder, but it's something you can get past. Sugar is so addictive that while you are in withdrawal, the whole world is bland. The subtler flavours will make themselves known once your palate adjusts, and your body stops craving it.
Thanks for sharing ...they sound good...
Tesco have them too. They are very nice
I haven't been looking at sausage labels, but yesterday I did. Are these actually that unusual?
The two I looked at were Heck Pork, 1.6g/100g - so a little higher, but still pretty low, and one of the Tesco Finest pork sausages, and they were 0.6g/100 - a little lower.
I got the impression premium sausages generally have low carbs, it's only the cheaper ones that extend the meat with flour or breadcrumbs.
I'm not sure tbh, I haven't checked loads of them either. Just noticed that they're much lower than the ones we normally have. Obviously I will keep giving the cheap ones to the rest of the family ๐
I thought that sausages were just meat, (herbs) and bread or biscuit meal - and I ask myself what substitutes they use instead of bread or biscuit meal? I am more intolerant of "gluten-free" that I am of "proper bread".
Oh really? Thatโs actually a very interesting point and had never occurred to me. I donโt need to eat gluten free but I do find I get very bloated if I do eat bread these days.
Usually pea starch or rice flour...... in gluten free
Wouldn't that put the carb value up? I think these are mainly meat and seasoning but I'll have a look next time I get some.
Yes it does, if there were no fillers in sausage you would have no carbs as it would just be meat.... I buy the Asda extra special classic pork sausages... they use rice and chickpea flour two sausages have 2.5g of carbs. Chorizo has 0.5g if carbs per 100g as it has no starch in it ....
Pretty sure black farmer use pea starch ..