I have an appointment for a shot (probably Astroveneca) next Sunday. Does anyone know anything about blood clots and ITP associated with that? Any advice?
Frankie in Canada
I have an appointment for a shot (probably Astroveneca) next Sunday. Does anyone know anything about blood clots and ITP associated with that? Any advice?
Frankie in Canada
Well according to medical data the blood clots were something like 33 in 11 million doses which is a low percentage and as every drug taken there are risk of side effects but no one mention if any of those who had clots also so itp ?
Thanks Metalgod,News reports cite increased clots in those vaccinated who had ‘low platelets’.
I find this strange as I am on a blood thinner because of a narrowing of a vein in my leg cause by an accident and my specialist always says if my platelets go below 50 to come off the blood thinner as there afraid of bleeding to me which is in complete opposite to what you read ??
Hi Metalgod,My computer swallowed my reply so I'll try again.
The newscasters in Canada and the US referred to the 'ironic' situation of clots in people with low platelets. Your situation sounds difficult as well. I realize that it's important to have the shots but wonder what one could do should they have a clot.
Well as said my narrowing of the vein is also sometimes classed as a dvt or clot and so guessing if clots formed from covid vaccination they use blood thinners to disperse them but I haven't heard anyone has died once they have had clots formed from vaccination so guessing they were treated ?? But obviously the choice to have vaccination is your choice but also gotta remember the way things are going a lot of work travel etc will be dependent on whether you are vaccinated or not sadly
The following links may hopefully be of some help/interest -
1. itpsupport.org.uk/index.php...
Wanted to share this reply from my Doctors at McMaster in Canada as many of us here have reached out with questions regarding ITP and the Covid vaccine.