Rough journey for me, fell in the hospital with 6000 platalet count 3 weeks ago Im on my 2nd Nplate vaccine but have only gone up to 33000 hoping my count goes up in the next days. Im feeling very weak and bruises are not going away.
Nplate: Rough journey for me, fell in... - ITP Support Assoc...
Hang in there. It took me 5 weeks of Level 8 NPlate injections before I climbed from 0 to 33k so you are doing better than I did. Just watch your count very closely as, if you are like me, it can escalate very quickly and get to some pretty staggering levels (1,084k in my case) so just take it slowly and methodically.
Hey, it's working so that's a success by and on its own The response speed is different for everyone but as long as there's a response then things are improving
Hi Mrs. Ramos1980, I’ve been on weekly Nplate injections since 2010. Nplate is not a vaccine, it’s platelet stimulation factor that is started at 1mcg/kg and increased weekly by 1mcg/kg until a goal of 50K, it took me three weeks to go from 6K to 20K. Currently by baseline is 30-80K which is adequate to maintain s fairly active lifestyle. There is no cure at this time but research is on going. There are members who have achieved long remissions of counts of 100K or more. Learn as much as you can about our disease so you can participate in your care. This site has an excellent education section, check it out. Hang in there things will get better, be well Georgia
Hi. I have been on Nplate for a little over a year now and have not had any drastic improvements. My numbers go between 6-50k. I am currently at a 9. My specialist said that maybe my body has learned to function at low numbers. Still experimenting with natural products hoping it will help