Is there anythink we should and shouldn't be eating or drinking ?????
Food and Drink: Is there anythink we... - ITP Support Assoc...
Food and Drink

Hi look up on website it gives you all the don't eats and what is supposed to be good for you
I asked my doctor about this, vinegar/pickled food was the answer. I have heard or read somewhere that tomatoes are not good either. Eat spinach, it's good for you, especially your blood. If you don't like spinach look up veg with a high vitamin K count.
Sorry but ketchup also has vinegar in it... and tomatoes!
As you'll see on this website different people react to different things, but in my case caffeine energy drinks caused my platelets to plummet. Also doc said no green tea. Good luck to you 😊
I asked my consultant about what diet I should follow and was told that food plays no part in the management of Itp. So I eat anything I like (within reason) and try to forget that I have this condition. I refuse to let it rule my life - that's my mantra!
Alcohol depresses platelets, so not too much of that!
avoid beverages (frequent drinking alcohol), foods (blueberries, chamomile tea, etc) or medications (aspirin, ibufropen, etc) with blood thinners unless you have other disease that will require you to take blood thinner medications like high risk for blood clot on heart. Try to find alternative instead of taking pills. For example: per my doc, having low platelets puts us at risk for hemorrhage so he adviced that i eat spinach or any green leafy veggies to help with the clotting in case i end up in an accident or a cut. Vit D, go walk for 20 mins in the early morning sunshine, for iron, cereal or oatmeal, etc. Hope this helps.

Avoid quinine and anything with quinine in it like tonic water, bitter lemon and some other drinks (check labels) and avoid aspirin and ibuprofen. If you need to take painkillers take paracetamol. In respect of what to eat..... plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables especially greens like kale, spinach, cabbage will help to maintain a healthy immune system. Avoiding too much alcohol also helps as alcohol inhibits our liver from producing thrombopaetin which controls platelet production. Other than that there is not much else to say.
Sorry I asked :))))))
Can I have a Desperado beer ??? Its sunny beer time in the UK at the moment :))))