Also a very tender area and feel burning sensation. Anyone experience this problem? I get minimal bruising in any other area. Looks great with skirts or cropped pants!!!
What do you itp'ers do to get rid of ... - ITP Support Assoc...
What do you itp'ers do to get rid of the bruises? From my mid-calf down I have bruises that refuse to leave.

I don't get the bruising, but I do get the burning and random pains. Neither my primary care doc nor my haematologist seems to know what causes those sensations and I don't know how much to worry about them. I'll be interested to hear from others.
I've heard that soaking in bathwater with bay laurel leaves steeped in it can help with bruising, but haven't had occasion to try it yet.
As yo say, the bruises will be nicely set off by skirts or shorts. Maybe you'll determine the next big look on the catwalks of the Parisian fashion shows!
Hi there. I find it depends on the bruises. If I get an internal bleed the bruise is brown and goes quickly. The other bruises last the normal length of time for me. Nicky
We all know that bruises are blood under the skin. After a period of time the blood can clot stay longer than other times. All this means is your body is having a more difficult time removing the old blood material from the site. If you uses heat, like a hot bath, heating pad, or a hot wash clothe, on the area then gentle massaging with your fingers to begin the process to help your body break up the bruise, it will go away quicker. Be mindful in tender areas or areas that a new bruises, light in color. New areas or tender areas could still be bleeding ever so slightly and your body is still working to stop the bleed. Look for darker coloration changes around the outside of the bruise, yellows, greens. This is something that has help me through the years. I call it massaging the old bruise away.