Hang in the ladies
We are all beautiful women - Infertility Support
We are all beautiful women
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Hi there! Sounds calming to me..After years of strugglings with no luck, my mom in law truly thought I was ''deffective''. Like a car or sth else. I failed to fulfil what nature planned for me, I had no kinds and had never been pregnant before. I'm even more likely to think she told my dh to find someone else, as I couldn't do which was meant by nature..And what bothered me the most when she was trying to wisper when she was talking to dh, of course about me..I felt miserable then. And you know what, I was thinking about leaving my awesome husband not to ruin his life.. I'm ashamed of this now.. And thanks to god this is a note from my sad past now. We finally got luck with IVF abroad resulting in our beautiful princess. SO yes, whatever happens in our lives we are strong and active and self confident..We are all beautiful women!! Love your message. Thank you for posting this and all the very best to you x
I've got away from the topic. Have just read some post on another board and cannot keep calm on the point. I just need to let this out! Baby showers for us IF ladies are brutal! Once my niece had me organize her baby shower months ago. My heart was in the pit of my stomach. The whole month+ the shower was in the plans!! It was about the hardest and most guilt ridden thing I've ever had to do. And she noticed not for how hard it was on me, but how I lacked enthusiasm!! Non-IF folks just don't understand. So, for that reason my vote is for the self preservation aproach..Keep away from those gatherings. Find hundreds of excuses. But do not go there if you cannot!!
@Marmo, I just can't imagine the way you felt!! Oh my, your in law is disgusting because of how she treated you.. I'm sorry for saying this, but cannot find more suitable word..
Wishing you, lovely, the best. Just like all the sweet ladies here. Soon baby dust to all!! xx
Yeah it’s so hard attending these things and then out of the blue someone asks you in front of Everyone and then you feel so horrible and hurt inside. Sometimes I wonder how some people can be so inconsiderate and insensitive. It’s hard not to attend these things though especially when it’s your family or dear friends. Just wish they understood how we feel and be a little more sensitive to us. Hope you’re doing well 💓
This is overwhelming.. Along with treatments do have diet with foods rich in zinc content to ensure better maturation of egg and sperms. Take adequate rest. Drink plenty of water. Be in regular monitoring and follow-up with your treating doctor/gynecologist and report any new/abnormal symptoms immediately. Incorporate exercises in daily routine to promote weight loss (to be in ideal weight for height range). Maintain low fat and low carb diet. Hope for your chance boosting. All the best with your treatments, ladies!!
Thank you for the support. I was feeling lost after our previous losses. so I wanted to get on the boards with people going though the same and work out my feelings. A little bit about our journey..
My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for years. We did rounds of IUI – All unsucceeful. Then went down OE IVF route. The only pregnancy was an early loss – A very painful and bitter experience.
We decided to go to a specialist and we set a further ''game'' plan. I had to wait for my cycle before we could start everything. But guess what?- My period just wouldn’t come!! I didn’t even think to test because I figured there was no chance. I was feeling so defeated. Was really trying to stay positive but it was so hard. The mc felt like possible “bad luck” - My previous dr so coldly put it.It was what I thought about day and night.
My body was failing me. As a woman I felt that I’d failed at the one thing my body was able to do. And did let my husband down as well. This was such a difficult thing to wrap my mind around!! This rant was my irrational, emotional brain speaking though. I needed to keep that in check and just stay positive because through all of this. I had a lot to be thankful for. I had/have a supportive and loving husband and just the mere fact that I was able to conceive at all was something to be thankful for.
I was so hoping that our next stage, with our new dr/clinic, would be a success. Just had to stay positive..And it was a tremendous help just to get this out each time!! To all you ladies out there going through this struggle - I’m here. A huge hug to all of you x
Love this 💓
Ladies here are awesome! I absolutely love all the stories and how all find solutions to what's going wrong. and then get success! andylins , what's the continuation? Did you get luck with your new clinic? Just wanted to say that in certain situations, your doctor may recommend other procedures before embryo transfer.
Assisted hatching. About five to six days after fertilization, an embryo "hatches" from its surrounding membrane, allowing it to implant into the lining of the uterus. If you're an older woman, or if you have had multiple failed IVF attempts, your doctor might recommend assisted hatching - a technique in which a hole is made in the membrane just before transfer to help the embryo hatch and implant.
Preimplantation genetic testing. It's when embryos are allowed to develop in the incubator until they reach a stage where a small sample can be removed and tested for specific genetic diseases or the correct number of chromosomes, typically after five to six days of development. Embryos that don't contain affected genes or chromosomes can be transferred to your uterus. While preimplantation genetic testing can reduce the likelihood that a parent will pass on a genetic problem, it can't eliminate the risk. Prenatal testing may still be recommended.
P.s I was trying acupuncture for a month and I truly believe this played a big part in the process xx
Hi ladies, sorry not replied for a while I was trying to focus my mind on other things than constant baby no baby....... turns out I’m pregnant after being told to continue trying for another year with my low hormones and my husbands defective sperm it actually happened I have my first scan next week so fingers crossed all is well. Thank you for all you support and kind words I hope you all succeed in your journeys to becoming a parent, much love xx
We did a lot of testing...Recently found out I had lost immunity to Rubella. So I got re-vaccinated and since it's a live vaccine had to wait 1-month before trying again. He also recommended a supplement for DH, which I suspect accounts for some of the difference between spem counts. Because he has fallen off taken them on a regular basis..I'm also just not sure if continuing with de ivf makes sense. I'd really love to try out transferring healthy mitochondria from the donor's egg and into mine.. At least I'm sure we can afford this..
Thank you for this post! Sometimes we just need a reminder to be strong and keep going! Girls, don't be harsh on yourself! I know infertility s*cks. I've been struggling for 3 years already. And this is unbelievably hard to be positive and not to lose yourself. Don't forget to love yourself, respect yourself and give yourself time to rest. Hang in there, girls!