My grandmother is in icu in critical condition. She opens her eyes also. Shoul we talk to her or not? She had a major heart attack because of which her organs are not working properly but her brain is totally should we go to visit her in the icu and talk to her?
Icu: My grandmother is in icu in critical condition... - ICUsteps

Hello, i'm sorry to hear that, my mother was in an induced coma for 13 days and the doctors always told us to speak to her, she might not recognize the words but she will feel comfortable when she hears voices she knows.

She is opening her eyes nd when we speak to her she asks to take out the pipe out of her mouth
I would guess thats the intubation that goes to her lungs to assist her to breathe, my mother had those as well and the doctors kept her sleeping because of them, its annoying and sometimes patients tend to breathe against the machine and that makes the doctor's work harder so thats why the keep them sleeping, my prayers goes out for you and your family and grandmother
Yes keep taking to her, I feel you pain my dads in a coma has been for just over 3 weeks, xx
Yes I would speak to her about every day things that happen. I was in a coma three years ago and I can remember my girls speaking to me 😊
I would recommend lots of verbal communication and plenty of visits are essential for the healing process - my opinion. I had my friends and family visit me and I am so glad they all made the effort.. All the very best.
My family visited and talked to me every day while I was in a coma. I'm sure their words, and holding my hand, got through to me.
I thnk most patients fight against the intubation. I was relieved when mine was removed and replaced with a tracheostomy. The nurses said I smiled when I woke up and realised the tube was gone.