What is ra: - Hughes Syndrome A...

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What is ra

freyas profile image
7 Replies
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freyas profile image
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7 Replies
MaryF profile image

Hi, I need a little more context off you. Was it mentioned to you in terms of autoimmune disease as as in RA? If so that would make more sense? Mary F x

freyas profile image

As in RA

MaryF profile image
MaryFAdministrator in reply to freyas

Hi there, it is a form of arthritis, here is some info for you, have they found this you? Hope this helps: nhs.uk/conditions/rheumatoi...

Mary F x

Danielle2419 profile image

Ra only thing i no is Rhuematoid Arthritis im not really sure sorry

freyas profile image

Thanks to both of you

soul22 profile image

Hi i was initially diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis discease as my lupus mimicked ra,its a auto immune conditon whih results firstly in morning stiffness pain inflammation usally of hands feet at first.

There are 2 types of ra sero postive which is usally more degnerative to joints and sero negative where get less large swollen joints same sytpoms but no damage to joints.both cause alot of fatigue,can also get dry eyes,inflammed eyes,it can if aggressive damge lungs,etc.not kidneys typically it can occur as child juevnile ra or adulthood.its is treated with several ranges of treatment starting with anti inflammtoris,then discease modfying drugs such as methotrexate,azathioprine,sulphazine,also when very agressive and failed 2 dmards such as methotrexate ,Hydroxyclhorquine suplhate also known as planeqnil, they can then offer biolgics drugs of which there are a few to try.

also can affect mood low moods depression from coping with discease,pain levels.hope that helps i know a very good site that supports only rheumatoid arthritis patients.you usally see a rheumatolgist for ra as you do for lupus and sometimes for aps aswell.

take care

freyas profile image

Thank you soul22 hope your ra is under control and you are not in too much pain

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