Hi, can anyone tell me if with this ... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Hi, can anyone tell me if with this condition they suffer from muscle twitches particulary in the legs/calves and feet. Thanks
Yes, I get muscle twitches all over. They do not go away in my case with anticoagulation with heparin or warfarin plus plavix. I also have a severe autonomic syndrome that has not gone away and am starting IVIG next week.
Hi, Yes particularly in feet and legs, but hands and fingers sometimes too. It is particularly bad at night when I try to settle for sleep, but maybe that's because I am trying to be still, so I notice the twitches more. They vary in size from just a slight but uncontrollable movement in one or two toes, and on a couple of occasions it's been a full on kicking out from the knee down, scaring both my husband and myself to bits!! Larraine x
I get these - horrendous and very embarassing!!
Hi Missdaisy: Yes, I get severe muscle cramping, twitching, pins and needles in my legs particularly my calves. I am on a trial of CQ10 now to try to ease that pain. Usually, it will rudely awaken me in the morning and my whole calf muscle will be hard as a rock in cramped tightness causing excruciating pain to the bone. Sometimes the severity is short and sometimes the pain after the initial cramping episode will last weeks.Almost as though the cramping sprained the leg muscles. Last one was 5 weeks and I still tremble. My MD said the fastest way to stop the cramp is to work it. Walk and keep moving. rub it fast back and forth, even though it hurts like crazy. My MD says it's worse to just lay there in pain and wait for it to stop. I have found moving seems to shorten duration. Also, I'm sorry I can't remember whom on this site suggested tonic as a remedy. Now I try to have a little tonic water a day and I actually think it is getting to be fewer episodes. It could be all in my head but I think he/she may have hit on a holistic remedy. I'm willing to keep trying if there is the slightest chance of stopping the things. I really, really don't like them.
I'm in complete sympathy with your pain, MissDaisy. I wish I knew the magic word to make yours stop, but I don't. I can keep you in my prayers though and send you warm wishes for your cramping episodes to end.
Smiles and big hugs,
I also get really bad twitches and jerks, especially when I am relaxing down, to go to sleep etc.
I get twitches in my calves, especially after cycling. I might say ride for an hour and a half in the countryside, stop at a pub for lunch, and my calves will twitch all through lunch. I also now get stiffness and cramp type symptoms in my calf and thigh muscles during rides or walks; I never used to get this before and I used to be a racing cyclist.
I may try tonic water too.
Best wishes.
I get twitching in my calves if ive gone for a fairly long walk, oftern get the feeling my calf is about to go into a cramp. have had this since i was really young (about age 10 or so) never really thought it was linked to APS, thought it happens to every one! but maybe not and its all linked.....hmmm...
Could be the trial CQ10 as well. There is quinine in tonic water, but the quantity is so minute, I don't think it can be compared with Plaquenil. It sure is a lot cheaper! Besides, wrote you a private e about the Plaquenil.
I get twitches in various parts of my body if my INR us too low.