IMHO, anyone who has a miscarriage should be tested. To be told to "keep trying" was disgraceful. It's the equivalent of Einstein's definition of madness: to keep doing the same thing with the expectation of a different outcome!
14 pregnancies is also putting a great strain on a woman's body, coupled with her other condition which affected the placenta, made this a very, special baby.
It is such a moving story and the professor who saw her through the pregnancy is amazing. As I read it it wasn't just APS but something else as well that was causing her to miscarry. I can't believe what happened to this poor women and am so pleased she has a little girl and that being so premature she will be ok.
Oh so sad - but good news in the end. (Still angry they had to go through all that).
I saw this article online and am so glad you posted it because i have a question. Is high dose folic Acid now a treatment for antiphospholipid syndrome and is it effective?
Thanks for your reply, I thought perhaps I was missing something. It’s a shame that the BBC put out incorrect information like that. But at least it gets APS mentioned.