Anyone experience numbness in one foo... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Anyone experience numbness in one foot? I've had this for about 6 weeks. GP thinks it could be vasulitus. I'm not diabetic.
Hi Jean, how awful that must be. I haven't got anything like that but has he referred you to anyone for investigations,
Hope it improves soon
Hi Daisy,
I suffer the same in my left foot the right one is not quite so bad. I have found that if i try to point my toes it feels as if i'm stretching a tight band, it's an odd feeling.
Do you get any other syptoms in your legs ? At times when getting into a car I have had to lift my left leg in because it wont move.
All these strange symptoms Daisy if only we could get the answers as to what is going on..
Best wishes
Jillymo x
Hi, did you have any symptoms before the numbness started? I have had numbness in my left foot for over 30 years, I had been to my doctor as I thought I had suffered a stroke, I was 28 and he laughed at me (honestly) An MRI many years later following another stroke, showed I was correct!