hi,im chelle,been diagnosed with aps for six yrs,was originally on warfarin but couldnt get inr in range despite taking 27mg of warfarin,so im now injecting clexane..i have other health issues along side this such as hidradenitis surppurtiva(had this since a little girl) & my every day is a living nightmare with both flaring, ive tried to remain strong & never admitted to myself im poorly,refused pain relief & so on...until now
i have a drs appointment next week & im gona ask for pain relief,simple everyday tasks are takin me so much longer to do ...shopping,walkin to the shop, cutting the grass takes me 3 hours & im in agony for days after..the hs causes massive abcesses under my arms & breasts so it hurts to end & move,ive been unable to use my left arm for 5 days as i have a huge one there..i feel like such a let down to my kids as i should beable to provide for them but i cant im wondering if anyone has been successful with a claim for pip because of these crappy illnesses x