Odd psychologist: I recently went to a... - Autism Support

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Odd psychologist

MattHooper profile image
7 Replies

I recently went to a psychologist who apparently “is an expert in asd” (she also happens to work in a shed and I have made no progress in anything since I started going) to get a diagnosis, I checked nearly all the boxes and yet, I “don’t have asd”, however my friend (who has autism) his mum (who happens to be studying to be a psychologist) says I do...? I’m not sure who to believe, a mad woman who’s crap at her job and works in a shed or a someone who knows firsthand what autism in a child looks like and is taking various psychology courses and has passed quite a few as well

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7 Replies
corriefan profile image

Diagnosing ASD can only be done by someone with specialist qualifications. My son was diagnosed by this charity, you might find the information on their website helpful. actionforaspergers.org/diag...

Joggyjade profile image

I think the fact that you are hanging around at all that your best mate is autistic chances are that you are too because the thing about autism is that birds of a feather Fly Together there's not many people that will make friends with autistic kids because they're very different other than other autistic kids example Bell have a birthday party and invite their friends that they've mean at school and none of them will turn up they don't consider themselves to be their friends or there will be a party from one of the kids at school and every kid will get invited except for the autism one and this is the first sign of autism is the fact that you're sticking with them the only person that could. The next thing is to know that the only person who can really diagnose you with autism I believe is your mother or father or the woman that watched your growing up the one that watched you cry for the first year of your life constantly with over sensitivity to lights sounds and smells and the one that wondered why you flap your arms or pulled on your ears or rub your eyes whenever you could't get in through to the rest of the world or the world wasn't getting you. You actually need a clinical psychologist to be able to diagnose you with autism and no one else is qualified than ordinary psychologist will not do. Autism Australia has a lot of forums and I know that there are webinars being put out by people who have raised autistic children such as me that are extremely helpful to the people around the autistic. But for you all you need to know is that you are highly intelligent have a very high IQ and you view the world from a very different set of eyes of most things but also that you are emotionally your EQ is the thing that needs to be developed. Hence the anxiety the sensitivity and the emotional immaturity or lack of experience for a better word on how to deal with the stupid ignorant impolite disrespectful and rude world that we live in other than with more rudeness . Hence the way that you described psychologists in the shed. You can't change who you are and you can't make your emotional well-being grow up any quicker but what you can learn to do is just smile and learn patience for the stupid morons of the rest of the world. My son is autistic and when he thinks about what I am saying is not worth listening to he simply stop looking at me put a plane face on with no reaction whatsoever to what I'm saying and refuses to give any import or any answer whatsoever no matter how bad or terrible I'm feeling all no matter what support I might need at the time he doesn't care it doesn't concern him and it's all too stupid for him anyway to listen to. But because autistic kids are so highly intelligent if they were to engage on every stupid thing they heard or if they were to give an emotional import to every stupid thing that they heard they were very quickly become very anxious and very stressed out that's why I say the most important lesson to you in life is to learn patience tolerance and how to ignore what is not relevant to you politely with a smile and no comment. and don't forget to have a talk to the people that raised you especially in the First two and a half to three years of life that's when orgasm shows itself the most with the well that being the ear pulling and sensitivity is as I mentioned before good luck darling if you need any more help feel free to drop me a line. Don't beat yourself up because being different is unique. label on a label it doesn't really matter at the end of the day as long as you're happy and you don't let anybody take that away from you just keep on smiling through it all we found that's what pisses them off more than anything anyway without any words at all.

Lythamlatic profile image
Lythamlatic in reply to Joggyjade

A few short points on this:

Not everyone who has autism has a high IQ - it's really not related to that. There are the so-called "savants", but not all savants are autistic, nor vice versa.

A lady of my wife's acquaintance tried to persuade her that one of our sons was autistic (like her own son) simply because he was "good at jigsaws".

Though it seems impossible to the vast majority of people who love their children and want the very best for them, there is a small number of unscrupulous people who try to get their children assessed as autistic for financial gain.

Of course some of the things you describe might suggest that a child is autistic, but these things MUST be left to professionals to assess. Perhaps occasionally one of them gets it wrong - but you've got a far better chance of a proper diagnosis than relying on the feelings and anecdotes of other parents.

BELAwesome profile image
BELAwesome in reply to Joggyjade

That kind of makes sense. I have “aspergers” as far as I know, though I want a specialist in it to be able to confirm cause some people don’t think so. But my husband seems to have it to. A professional who has a son with it, mentioned to my husband and I thought his friend seemed to have it too. Cause we are kind of “odd” in our ways, I guess we relate though my husband tends to be more hyper and under stimulated/higher pain tolerance and has trouble understanding emotions. I am hyper sensitive with emotions and senses so sometimes there’s a clash when he doesn’t understand. Like putting sounds way too high that’s setting me off or watching traumatic videos that set me off but he has no problem and has a curiosity about it and tries to understand people that way. Anyways there’s been struggles though sometimes we get along great but our mood is very unstable. Highs and lows. We need help to be better so I’m hoping to get help. I’m just usually told to focus on mental health first, or that my condition on the spectrum is not bad enough to be in a group home. I don’t like how aspergers is now considered part of the spectrum as if it’s “high functioning “. I’m barely functioning though people might not be able to tell I have aspergers. My stepmom who’s a psychologist doesn’t think I have it or adhd, and a other people haven’t thought I had it or a CBT at one point. I haven’t found a specialist for Aspergers around me that won’t cost so much/is covered. I’m from Canada. I’m on disability and can’t afford that therapy as far as I know.

BELAwesome profile image
BELAwesome in reply to Joggyjade

I also wanted to note I only got “diagnosed” with this as a young adult. I was just seen as shy when young, etc. I don’t have some of the features as others with autism like the hand flapping, etc so it’s not obvious but my sensory struggles are very hard. Also, sometimes things set me off very quickly. I can get so upset fast or get excited and I guess sometimes I can almost do a kind of hand flapping. I do something strange but only my husband or maybe a couple close people would see that cause I’m not comfortable being very open or hyper in public. Lol

BELAwesome profile image
BELAwesome in reply to Joggyjade

My mom and sisters think of agree about Aspergers I should add and after I while I relate. It gets confusing though cause I have so many conditions that it’s hard to know what’s what. Have mood and attention issues, etc.

BELAwesome profile image

Lol! It’s kind of sad but explaining about your therapist reminds me of my stepmom. She’s a psychologist but she’s kind of mentally messed up herself. She thinks she knows me but she doesn’t as much as she thinks she does. She also is highly “spiritual” and quite intense beliefs which is hard to relate to her. To a point that she basically said she believes she’s an alien 😒. She’s pretty much into a spirituality of picking things from different religions and wanting to be nice but she’s kind of mean sometimes. Sorry I wrote so much earlier. Please take care and you can write me if you want to chat 💖😁✌🏼

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