Hi everyone, haven't been on for a few days, as nothing much to report. Hope you are all doing well! Feeling a lot better at the moment, and think I have gotten used to side effects ☺️ just got back from hospital earlier and finally have my blood results, looks like my VL has gone from over million to 57 in the first ten days 😁😎 had another blood test today and will hear probably next week what the viral load is after 3.5 weeks. I'm always half a week behind because I didn't start the meds on the Tuesday, but on the Saturday after, in case anyone is wondering why my bloods are done at such odd times 😂😂😂 so on we fight, hoping to kill those remaining little b****** off, if I haven't done so already by the time bloods were taken today 😎 hope you are all doing good!! Lots of love and best wishes 💪💖🍀🍀🍀🙏🔜👾💣💥🔥☠️
Day 25, VL 57 : Hi everyone, haven't been... - Hepatitis C Trust
Day 25, VL 57

That’s brilliant the drugs are doing their job I wish you well in the future sorry I don’t know too much about the drugs as I m new in here just been diagnosed with hep c myself My first appointment in hospital is the 14/5 and I will try to bring it forward if I can
Thank you! It's great that there is treatment now for everyone, regardless of genotype, fingers crossed it will go away all together by the time I'm finished☺️ good luck with your appointment,make sure you take note of any questions you may have and take them with you at the time, as once you get there you may easily forget half of what you wanted to ask 😉 I have had this for over twenty years now, and so grateful that there is treatment out there now, I have genotype 1a, so hardest to treat. Wish you all the best, and everything will fall into to place for you, the consultants and nurses will be looking after you. 💪🍀🍀🍀
I was told 3a is the hardest to treat. 1 a used to be hardest on the old treatment, but the new DAA s have put that to bed. Which ever genotype there are regimens to treat each one with or without cirrhosis, I ve already got my regimen ready to tell them what I need if I can't keep the viral load down myself. I can't have maviret for 3a twice. Am no Dr but only took me 1 hour to find it. Don't have faith in my own trust here which is understandable ☺ Fighting the corner for others like me 😍😍
Oh I didn't realise!! Hoping there will be other meds that will treat 3a, if you can't go on maviret twice? I'm still hoping for you, that the ones that remain will have died by the time you have your bloods done, is it after 3 months? Praying for you and hoping for the very best outcome for you!!! 🙏🤗😘
Yes 3 months. so about 6 wks from now. I found what retreatment options there are for 3a after taking maviret , 3 different drug plus maybe the dreaded riba 😂😂😃 if I do this I won't need it, just like loading up with special offers and then never needing them 😂 but best to be educated & ready as no contact from nurses, hospital etc. Got it saved on my phone 😁What we do when left to our own devices 😂😂 already on my plan b. So everything crossed. 😍😍😍
I'm so cross that you are left to your own devices!! I really hope they will get in touch soon, as they really are not helping. Did they say when they will contact you when you last saw them?
Yes, I was cross a few weeks ago but need my energy to move forward. saw nurse for 10 mins 6 weeks ago, said see me in 3 months. I have an appt. tried leaving message etc. understand some authorities are under more pressure than others. Just wish I had tried harder at the onset to try & get 12 weeks treatment but that's the past & wasn't strong enough. Not being negative & am aware some only like the clear posts etc Tried to post for similar outcomes but there are so few 2 out of 468! who don't clear now which is so fabulosa 🎉🎉 I know given correct treatment for right length of time and I will be clear too 😂😂 some have to try 3 times before getting rid. so I can't moan xxx thank you again trooper lucien 😍😍😘 like you say as vl was 650 wk 6. I could be clear now, keep that one in my head at all times 😃😃
Yes I totally hope this is the case for you! Just had nurse call my haemoglobin is rattling downwards now, it's at 10.8, so I will have to drop one Ribavirin, hopefully that will actually make it go back up. Due to go back to work next Monday 😓 hoping for the best and that it will be ok. Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you!!! 😘🍀🍀🍀💪💖
Aww, work is a pain sometimes, the mind is willing the body isn't. Then sometimes the opposite ☺ that ribavirin😷 my body hates chemicals & my latest chemical free regimen is keeping me the same. no worse apart from the joint pains. All takes time, xxxx
Me too, I usually don't take any tablets at all ever. So this is loads for me 😌 I used to have some relief from the joint pains when I started, but since last week they have come back a bit. So thought I hope this is working, but vl still went down. I'm starting to wonder if the joint pains I have are not even related to the hep c, lol, bit won't know for sure until finished I suppose 🙄😂😂😂
Oh yeah and work! Wish I could vanish for another two months and then just come back haha
Last night ranting paid off. Thank you x Somebody must have been listening 😍😍
Did they call you back? Or did we rant about something else? Lol!! Been ranting so much lately that I can't remember when I ranted about what 😂😂😂😂 memory sucks too lol!!!
😂😂😂😂😂the nurse called me this morning, posted a happy post so people don't get too hacked off with me 😂😂😂 , ranting quietly like we do is soo healthy and not harmful to anybody. Karma proved that this morning 😍😍😍
Wow, that's fantastic, 😊🎉🎉 & only 3 weeks in. Yep you're another one going on the all clear list 😊, gold star to you honey 🌟🌟 so happy for you xx I'm impressed with your nurse too, getting results. Brilliant, I m coming to wherever you are based 😂😂😂
Yes ten days in I had that first blood test, just got results today ☺️ and had another blood test today, so results of that should come back next week 😊 hoping that those will even be better still lol. The nurse said it shows treatment is doing something, but not to get all crazy excited just yet, as I won't have the all clear until six months after treatment ends. And I keep that in the back of my mind, even though I was really chuffed today, I need to keep aware that there is always a possibility that it won't go. But I will give it a damn good shot 😉😎 I'm here in Gloucestershire, very beautiful place and I must say, our doctors and hospitals are not too bad overall. I used to live in London and they are definitely better here 😊 I'm convinced that at the end of the day we will all be fine ☺️🙏 I asked the nurse what if it doesn't go and she said don't worry too much there are more drugs on the way all the time. Hoping that you will hear soon re. your plan of action!! Best wishes 🍀🍀🍀🤗😘
Yes, nurse is spot on, important they communicate and don't worry as you started with a low viral load and you're getting 12 weeks. What you've been through will be worth it, as you are 😍😍😍😘😘
Thank you, you are very kind 🤗 I was so happy my viral load was 1.6 million last year the highest it's ever been ( although low in comparison to others) and it went down to just over a million all by itself, and in time for when I started treatment. ☺️ Wasn't sure what to think in a way, as some people said they were already clear at two weeks, bit then my bloods were done at 10 days so maybe it's clear by now, who knows lol. Take care 🤗😘🍀🍀🍀
I am chuffed to read you are in such good spirit! I dont get my bloods taken till the end of treatment but my hopes are high! I am on week 5, 3 to go. My skin is improving and isnt as red as it used to be. joints are better too! onwards n onwards for us all.
Aww Cara, just had call from nurse who seemed concerned that my haemoglobin has dropped to 10.8 so they want me to take one less Ribavirin from tomorrow morning. And I will have to have a blood test at my GP in two weeks also so in-between the originally planned one🙄. Not looking forward to my period is also due next week and I'm anaemic at the best of times from that alone 😔 also due to go back to work next Monday, so really hoping I can manage 😓🙄 having a kinda panic day today lol😌 hope you are doing good. It's hard to have to wait so long for your blood test, but woohoo only three weeks to go!! 👍 Let's hope they will fly by!! Glad you have noticed much improvement to your health 🤗☺️keep going girl, not long now!! 😊😎🙏🍀🍀🍀
Another boost to hear. Onwards and upwards - you’ll will actually feel the benefit of that one less Ribavirin

Glad you said that, because I was thinking what difference is one Ribavirin going to make?! Lol!! 😂😂😂😂😂 That gives me hope that it will actually make a difference. Hope you are doing good 🙏☺️