Paracentesis, are patients sedated for... - Hepatitis C Support

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Paracentesis, are patients sedated for it, any experiences anyone...

Catfishjumpin profile image
5 Replies

I am dreading the train. It looks barbaric. Here they only give locals. Mine will last up to an hour. Seems everyone bleeds but I have extremely low platelets and when I do I do not want to be present for that or all the prodding, poking and twisting they do with needle, drain, tube, ect. I am going to ask my doc tomorrow for medicate. I prefer to be put under like with endoscope but I cannot imagine them granting me that. I am a bit angry how they say its so easy and simple, clearly its quite an exhausting ordeal. Its a high risk procedure especially for some ill as I am. Really I am already so worn thin, seems best if my mind could be in a relaxed state not there trying to ride above the horror of them visually working. I know myself. I will cry hard. I love myself dearly, I hate it when I am awake and go thru painful invasive procedures. I will cry because I will be so sad and heart broken for my body. Any experiences or feedback, anyone. It will be appreciated.

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Catfishjumpin profile image

Drain but yes it feels like a train coming at me and I am tied to the tracks, good analogy alright.

grace111 profile image

when i had the ERCP i was given some kind of medication that was supposed to make me unaware of what was going on to a certain degree and i was told that i wouldnt remember anything about that procedure for about 24 hours.. whatever they gave me it didnt work. i felt everything and it was totally painful and horrendous. i remember everything they were saying infact i remember when i they could not removed the stone from my bile duct with this procedure, i heard one doc say to the assistant go and get the stent from the drawer and she went to the drawer and there was no stent there, and she had to leave the room to go and get one, i had a tube down my throat and a wire interested into the tube which i could feel at the very bottom of my back as he kept inserting different wires into this tube down my throat and bashing it on this stone in the bile duct i could feel everything. then they would change the wire after bashing with one wire it would get ruined to they take it out and put a new one in, every time he put the wire into the tube he was so rough pushing the tube down into my intestine it was horrible.i was almost an hour lying on this table on my stomach and i couldnt talk as the tube was in my mouth but i groaned very loudly all the time so they knew i was awake. when i came out of it my blood pressusre was 246 at the top part i cant remember the bottom part. i shouldnt have been aware of this procedure but i was. the thing is once the stent was in place i heard the doctor say " look at the poison coming out " as i'd had the stone in my bile duct for so long and it was calcified. i developed pancreatitis after this horrible procedure. many other people have had it and cant remember a thing. so i dont know what went wrong with end the story i can say that i felt 100 times better. so it was worth it. my body recovered. i found out later i could have been given an anaesthetic i was so mad at the surgeon and i never held back telling him either. however if i had to go through it again i would as its the not knowing thats worse, i think.i do know that they can give a platelet transfusion as well as when i had cryoglobulinemia i told you about my plateletts were so low i was covered in bruises. i feel that they would not give you this procedure unless they thought that there was a good chance of it working, sometimes we have to put our faith in those people. its amazing how brave we are when we have no choice. try not to keep thinking about it and worrying about it. i know its high risk but they'r not going to do something if they think its a waste of time. try and think positive and then at the last minute when they'v started the work you can think what you want. just do it. your in my prayers and im sure your in many other peoples prayers as well. i dont know what anyone's beliefs are but i believe in the power of prayer. please know that this is written with much love and affection and care. your in my thoughts a lot. i just wonder how you are many times during my day. god bless you catfish, ❤️🙏

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to grace111

You are so generous to write out all your experience. Now if things get really stressful I am familiar with things like how they can blurt out things you/I might not want to hear. I will just listen then let them know later. I have had numerous experiences where I came so close to dying from procedures. I have ended up in intensive care. I have had them puncture my liver and had internal bleeding so bad that they had to tell me I might not make it. Someone on this forum wrote a condescending reply to my request for help from experienced patients of this procedure. I was thoughtful enough not to reply to her here but how damned judgmental she was. I like going into new experiences eyes wide open so if it hard or complicated then I know something about the signs. I am Buddhist. We are taught to ride fear by staying in the middle ground and letting go and accepting things can go easy or they can go hard. Stay in the middle, cling not to outcomes, just wait to see how the conclusion works out. Dang Skippy, I will hope for the best. But I want to be prepared to ride out hard territory if it is demanded of me. There will be no doctor present, they are all tech people. Anyway I am calling that department and asking them anything I want to tomorrow. I am going to tell them to think nothing if I cry. That's just emotional energy being released, it's just self respect and love. Whoever confronted me judged it as fear. Ha ha ha, I had a bleed out alone that left a mess that looked like a murder had been committed in my house. I faced that fear. I got thru it alone. I never called 911 because I knew if I was dying I did not want a life saving team all over me. I wanted quiet and to be left alone with the work of surviving. I can only hope this person learns to think instead of judging. I won't say who because I want her to still be comfy in the group. I sent a private response. Thank you again. You will be there with me as I bare thru this. That's something I did not have before. But I will be taking you into the procedure room with me, your story gives me strength. That's all I am looking for here. Many, most here have that kind of maturity.

Catfishjumpin profile image

A lot of my luck was that for 10 days I quit eating and drinking fluid. I allowed myself only 4 cups a day total of orange juice, organic fresh squeezed and organic yogurt. Some days I had one cup of home made organic soup. I hope it does not come right back but it could as I have liver cancer now. But I just cycled 12 miles on the highway along the shore in the country.

Catfishjumpin profile image

Just cycled 12 miles. Quite happy, filled with gratitude.

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