Hi People, This is my story. I am not sure how I contracted Hep C. When I was a teen, I was going to a Halloween party. My sister was helping me with my clown makeup.Next thing I know she was screaming for my mother to look at my eyes. They were bright yellow, also known as Jaundice. I was taken to Walter Reed Army Hospital where I was diagnosed as Non-A, Non-B Hepatitis. I never had a transfusion, No I-V drug use,No tattoo's. They have no Idea where I contracted the disease or what it was. It went dormant after a while.
I had actually forgot that I ever had it until I was 38 and had a severe Kidney infection.They took my blood and found the Hepatitis was back with a vengeance! I had no healthcare. I turned to clinical trials. I was place on a nasty drug called Interferon. After almost completing the trials and many years later,I am happy to say my Viral load is normal.