Forgive me straight away as I know there are people far worse than me on here but I am a panicker and have AF but have never had it for longer than a day before. I am now in my third day verging on 100/104 but mostly in the 90s. Last episode I spoke to my consultant on the phone and he was no help at all. I would love to find out how other people are and when do I need to go to hospital. I am on 5 mg bisoprolol. Will this just go back to sinus rhythm? Help please?
AF episodes lasting longer: Forgive me... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
AF episodes lasting longer

Hi Deezy, never had a 24 hour plus one myself but every sympathy. Uncomfortable although as you suggest it could be much worse, that HR not super bad. May I suggest you repost this in AF Association which has many more members and where there will be those who have experienced this duration and worse. All the best...
I get AF and it has been on and off this last day or so.My Dr has just increased from yesterday to 7.5Mg of Bisoprolol.Though I still have it again now this morning.Unlike you my HR does appear to go above 80 plus.
Are you on anti coagulants?
Hi thanks for your reply. Sorry to hear your AF is playing up. No I’m not on anticoagulants. Went to A&E Sunday coz never had it this long before. Still got it now. Just referring me back to consultant with a view to putting me on anticoagulants and then cardio version if still got it. Only ever had for a day at the most before. Tbh mine has been going past the 80s last couple of days. It is worrying.