After having an ICD ( Implantable cardioverter defibrillator) fitted at Harefield in March 2018 I was given a Medtronic "My CareLink" Remote Monitor and told to plug it into a socket as near to my bed as possible, as soon as I arrived home. So it is now plugged into the socket by my bedside table.
This amazing device can monitor my heart from the hospital which is approximately 28 miles away from my home. Most of the time it appears to be doing nothing, the screen only lights up to let me know that it is working.
For a man in his 70's it all seems like 'magic'. The aerial in the ICD transmits data via the monitor back to the hospital so that when I attend an appointment at the Pacing Clinic or see a Cardiologist they have an overview of what my heart has been doing.
Are all ICD patients prescribed a remote monitor or is this a new thing? It is not plugged into a landline socket (some older versions required a landline) perhaps it works like GPS, either way I am grateful for it and to the people who designed and made it.
Would welcome your experience with a remote monitor if you have one.