Hello my name is Filip and i want to ask you if my cardiologist should overlook my Potential diagnosis of short qt interval, im so hopeless two monts ago i was on check for my ecg where ecg showed qt interval 0,26sec (100bpm) after that i was on check one Month ago and there was qt 0,30 (77 bpm), i have strange feelings around the heart for like half year now and when i looked short qt on internet i was freaking out.. but my cardiologist did not Tell me anything.
Short qt?: Hello my name is Filip and i... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Short qt?

I have long pauses in my ectopic heartbeat sometimes 3 seconds, I have had ectopics for 43 years I am now 71, I also have Svt, admitted to hospital with 197 beats a minute, svt for 12 years but not frequent. I am without medication because I have been offered an ablation but would like to think about it at the moment, I didn,t want that at my age unless things become worse.

Wow, Delnoleen, Gattinko, you have been suffering. I have heart beats 100/120 at rest really tiring can not do much, cleaning, cooking all to tiring. They are tiring to control it through drug Digoxen 250mg per day Fursemide 2 tablets daily Spironolactone 1 tablet daily.
I am still out of breathe & don't seem to be getting any better. I think we need to sit & wait & see what they give us. Good luck........
I was on bisoprolol but it dropped my blood pressure and heartbeat too low, it made me feel so tired and lethargic. My normal heartbeat at rest is between 68 and 72 but in the morning when I wake it can be 80 to 84. I did not want the ablation unless the Svt is coming all the time then I will consider it, I have had 3 big attacks in the last year needing hospitalisation and many small attacks which stop after a few minutes. I do get long pauses in my heartbeat which makes my head fuzzy and I feel as if I,m passing out, that does frighten me. I have had ectopics for 43 years but lived with them they seemed to come in periods for no reason. It has affected my life to some extent causing me to avoid holidays and big occasions in case they start, I wouldn,t like to spoil people enjoying themselves being a liability. Sorry to hear how bad it affects you, I worked and brought up 3 children. My son who is 48 has inherited this condition.