Frustrating not knowing what is wrong... - Heart Rhythm Diso...

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Frustrating not knowing what is wrong with me exactly?

Ungaman profile image
3 Replies

I have had since early October this year:

1) Palpitations on and off.

2) Dizzy spells on and off

3) Flutters in chest on and off.

4) Wobbly heart at times.

5) Erratic heart rate.

6) Unpredictable heart rate.

7) Heart rate taking a long time to return to normal after exercise.

8) Heart rate going and staying high just after walking.

9) Heart rate fine some days.

10) Sharp stabbing pains in heart area.

11) Sharp stabbing pains in chest area.

12) Warm burning feeling in center of chest.

I have not had:-

1) Breathlessness.

2) Pains in my arm, back or jaw.

3) Fainting spells.

In a way I would rather be having symptoms 24/7 rather than be ok one day, than having it flaring up the day after, then be ok again, and it flares up again and so on. If I am having them all the time then it is easier to treat, ie, put me on beta blockers or something else, but if for me it only lasts eight hours or so, then they might put me on beta blockers and they could work, but then send my heart rate too low for when it goes back to normal again, and another annoying thing is about it flaring up at random is I can't plan anything from day to day.

Like yesterday my heart rate peaked at 112 bpm at 7pm but was 79 bpm at 22.10pm.

On 19th October when it was 113 10 minutes after I had finished exercising for an hour and half, and was 107 two hours later and shot up to 127 the following afternoon and rarely dropped below 90 I obviously was having an attack. It went back to normal 23-hours later. I went ten pin bowling on 7th November and took my heart rate five minutes after I finished and it was 69.

I have not been well recently with heart palpitations. From memory, my palpitations and flutters started on the evening of Wednesday 14th September 2016. I have not ever had them previously on any other dates.

Dates when I had episodes this year were Wednesday 14th September, 17th September, 20th September, 22nd September, none until 3rd October and 7th October.

I hadn’t been doing anything on 14th, 17th, 20th, 22nd September and 3rd October to trigger them.

I had a couple of cans of beer on 7th October. On 14th and 15th October I had done nothing. On 26th October I had been walking. I had alcohol on 3rd November and 12th November. I am not a heavy drinker and only drink socially.

I did have dizzy spells on 1st April, 11th April, 14th April, 15th April, 16th April, 17th April, 23rd April and 7th May. I had no symptoms at all with anything between 8th May and 14th September this year.

Here is my palpitations diary that I have been keeping since the 11th October this year


Tuesday 11th October 2016

Felt well all day apart from feeling fluttery between 9.10pm and 9.20pm

Wednesday 12th October

Felt well all day and night with no symptoms at all

Thursday 13th October

Palpitations and flutters on and off most of the day

Friday 14th October

Felt well until 6.50pm. No symptoms. Then palpitations between 6.50pm and 7.10pm, 7.55pm and 8.10pm, 8.35pm and 8.45pm, 9pm and 9.10pm, 9.30pm and 9.40pm, and 10.35pm and 10.55pm.

Saturday 15th October

Felt well until 12.40pm. Fluttering in chest on and off all afternoon and evening. Wore off at 9.30pm.

Heart rate 71 bpm at 9.15am.

95 bpm at 13.20pm

93 bpm at 14.45pm

86 bpm at 18.40pm

70 bpm at 21.55pm

Sunday 16th October

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms at all.

Monday 17th October

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms at all.

Tuesday 18th October

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms at all.

Wednesday 19th October

Felt well all day until 9pm. Then felt ill and uncomfortable with palpitations, racing heart rate. Went to hospital. My heart rate was 113 bpm at 10pm. I was told on admission that I might have suffered a heart attack, as protein was found in my blood after a blood test. However, I was told that the protein (Troponin) reading was 0.27mg, and if you have suffered a heart attack it is much higher. A decision was made to keep me in overnight.

My heart rate reading was 107pm at 12.30am on Thursday 20th October.

Thursday 20th October

I had a bad night’s sleep. I didn’t sleep at all! I had a high and unstable heart rate all through the night and chest pains on and off. My heart readings were 100 bpm at 01.53am. 97bpm at 09.58am. 109 bpm at 12.54pm. 101 bpm at 14.30pm. 127 bpm at 16.00pm. 93 bpm at 17.30pm. 81 bpm at 19.00pm. 68 bpm at 23.00pm.

My blood pressure readings were from memory. 134/87, 128/87, 129/86, 158/109, 128/88. I had an heart x-ray and blood tests. I learned that evening that I hadn’t suffered a heart attack.

I felt better after 6.30pm and my normal self after 8pm. I slept better than evening and night.

Friday 21st October

Discharged from hospital at 1pm. Felt well all day and night. No symptoms at all.

Heart rate 66 bpm at 07.00am. 63 bpm at 16.00pm.

Saturday 22nd October

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms at all. Heart rate 66 bpm 13.47pm. 65 bpm at 17.53pm. 64 bpm at 20.50pm.

Sunday 23rd October

Fine well all day and night. No symptoms. Heart rate 74 bpm at 09.31am. 76 bpm at 11.55am. 87 bpm at 16.23pm. 70 bpm at 18.30pm.

Monday 24th October

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms at all.

70 bpm at 09.47am. 71 bpm at 12.08pm. 67 bpm at 23.07pm.

Tuesday 25th October

Felt well all day until 8.30pm. Then stabbing sensations in heart area and flutter between 8.50pm and 9.00pm. Felt well rest of night.

Heart rate 65 bpm at 14.46 bpm. 70 bpm at 17.20pm. 73 bpm at 20.03 bpm at 20.00pm.

Wednesday 26th October

Felt well until 3.30pm. Started feeling fluttery and pain in chest area at 16.28pm. Pain heart area. Stabbing and raw burning pain feel at 19.10pm.

78 bpm at 13.40pm. 103 bpm at 16.00pm. 108 bpm at 19.00pm. 103 bpm at 20.35pm. 94 bpm at 21.40pm.

Pains and stabbing in center of chest at 23.25pm.

Thursday 27th October

Walked for bus at 8.40am then began to get flutters and felt uncomfortable in the chest. Felt fluttery until 4pm and a stabbing pain until 10pm.

Heart rate 92 bpm at 09.18am. 94 bpm at 14.54pm. 88 bpm at 16.30pm. 87 bpm at 18.00pm.

Friday 28th October

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms.

66 bpm at 15.09pm. 63 bpm at 17.37pm. 62 bpm at 21.11pm.

Saturday 29th October

Felt well until 8pm. Then started feeling slightly breathless. That did not last for long but I felt uncomfortable in the chest with a sharp, stabbing pain, on and off, between 8.10pm and 10.30pm. Also felt tight in the chest but I felt fine after 11.20pm.

65 bpm at 10.40am. 70 bpm at 19.00pm. 90 bpm at 20.33pm. 85 bpm at 21.35pm. 74 bpm at 23.14pm.

Sunday 30th October

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms at all.

69 bpm at 16.39pm. 73 bpm at 18.34pm. 70 bpm at 20.30pm. 64 bpm at 22.30pm.

Monday 31st October

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms at all.

68 bpm at 13.10pm. 70 bpm at 14.57pm. 68 bpm at 18.16pm. 65 bpm at 23.45pm.

Tuesday 1st November

Felt well all day. No symptoms at all.

70 bpm at 12.50pm. 68 bpm at 16.49pm. 65 bpm at 18.27pm.

Wednesday 2nd November

Felt well until 6.30pm. No palpitations or flutters at all. A mild dizzy spell and a migraine that ended at 9pm. Felt well after that.

Heart rate 69 bpm at 10.21am. 62 bpm at 12.37pm. 65 bpm at 16.50pm. 67 bpm at 18.56pm. 65 bpm at 20.52pm.

Thursday 3rd November

Felt well until 6pm. Then started with palpitations and feeling generally uncomfortable. Thought not as severe as 19th/20th October or 26th October, it lasted throughout the night.

Heart rate 64 bpm at 8.52am. 65 bpm at 11.43am. 86 bpm at 20.40pm. 90 bpm at 22.52pm.

Friday 4th November

Didn’t feel great all day and noticed my heart rate even though it wasn’t above 100.

Heart rate 91 bpm at 10.06am. 90 bpm at 16.08pm. 87 bpm at 17.50pm. 70 bpm at 19.25pm. 80 bpm at 21.40pm.

Saturday 5th November

Felt well until 2.30pm. Had a minor flutter but was well after 4pm and felt well rest of the day and night.

64 bpm at 11.35am. 83 bpm at 14.54pm. 64 bpm at 17.11pm. 62 bpm at 19.12pm. 66 bpm at 22.12pm.

Sunday 6th November

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms.

Heart rate 64 bpm at 09.17am. 66 bpm at 13.26pm. 80 bpm at 16.01pm. 68 bpm at 19.05pm. 66 bpm at 22.00pm.

Monday 7th November

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms.

Heart rate 60 bpm at 08.09am. 69 bpm at 14.22pm. 67 bpm at 19.58pm. 65 bpm 22.02pm.

Tuesday 8th November

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms.

Heart rate 65 bpm at 10am, 78 bpm at 14.06pm, 68 bpm at 17.41pm and 68 bpm at 22.52pm.

Wednesday 9th November

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms.

64 bpm at 11.57am. 67 bpm at 16.22pm. 62 bpm at 21.16pm.

Thursday 10th November

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms.

70 bpm at 11.15am. 66 bpm at 14.27pm. 66 bpm at 21.02pm. 61 bpm at 23.55pm.

Friday 11th November

Felt well all day and night. No symptoms.

Heart rate 61 bpm at 08.21am. 74 bpm at 15.42pm. 70 bpm at 19.38pm.

Saturday 12th November

Felt well until 2.15pm. Then felt a bit fluttery until 2.45pm. Felt well until 6pm when the palpitations started. Felt uncomfortable and unpleasant and uneasy but there weren’t any pains in chest, left arm, back, jaw and didn’t feel dizzy or out of breath. This lasted until 10.30pm and I went felt back to normal at midnight.

68 bpm at 12.43pm. 89 bpm at 14.26pm. 119 bpm at 18.03pm. 113 bpm at 18.42pm. 122 bpm at 20.12pm. 112 bpm at 20.55pm. 84 bpm at 21.50pm. 77 bpm at 22.42pm. 74 bpm at 23.50pm.

This was the first major episode I have had since Wednesday 26th October when my heart rate has to my knowledge gone above 100. My highest recorded has been 127 bpm.

Sunday 13th November

Felt better and mainly well. Had a bit of chest pain around heart area in particular at 8pm. Heart rate better but unstable. More stable after 6pm. No dizzy spells, pain in left arm, jaw or back.

70 bpm at 10.38am. 89 bpm at 12.47pm. 68 bpm at 14.46pm. 86 bpm at 17.30pm. 70 bpm at 18.30pm. 76 bpm at 19.45pm. 72 bpm at 21.00pm and 71 bpm at 22.10pm.

Monday 14th November

Felt well until 1pm. Felt pain in heart area at 13.03pm but that didn’t last long. Ended five minutes later. I felt uncomfortable in the chest area and my heart rate felt unstable. This lasted all afternoon until about 5.30pm. I had my blood pressure taken at 16.15pm and it was 144/93. Quite poor, considering I have been dieting and cutting junk food out of my diet and trying to lose weight, and my heart rate was 102 bpm. Obviously I was told it was too high and needs to come down, but whilst my heart was beating fast, I was told it was beating regularly.

I felt a brief pain at the center of my chest but haven’t felt much pain. Just an uncomfortable and unpleasant feeling.

My heart rate was 64 bpm at 08.53am. 70 bpm at 11.33am. 92 bpm at 13.25pm. 89 bpm at 15.14pm. 102 bpm at 16.15pm. 70 bpm at 17.49pm. 67 bpm at 19.10pm. 64 bpm at 20.14pm.

Thursday 17th November

Felt generally today. Felt well getting up. Then I felt a bit unstable in the chest at 9.45am. I felt like this until I visited a friend of mine who lives half a mile away. Got there at 7.30pm. Was there until about 10.45pm and we took his dog out for a walk at about 9.30pm. Felt dizzy some of the night, but didn't feel breathless, and I got no pain in my arms, chest, back, and had no breathing problems. My chest felt fluttery at 11.20pm but had no thud thud thud palpitations. Had none of those today at all.

Heart rate 66 bpm at 9am. 78 bpm at 10am. 65 bpm at 12.45pm. 71 bpm at 15.13pm. 67 bpm at 17.30pm. 89 bpm at 20.44 bpm. 65 bpm at 23.25pm.

Friday 18th November

Pain center of chest at 12.02am. Like a stabbing pain. None in back, arms or throat. Heart rate then felt unstable and chest felt fluttery until 12.50am. Didn't feel breathless but had chest pain. Now worn off. Feel dizzy.

Poor night's sleep. Heart rate felt unstable between 7.30am and 11.30am and uncomfortable until 12.10pm. Felt better then and felt normal all afternoon until 15.30pm when I had no flutters or palpitations but a stabbing pain in the heart area.

Felt ok after that but had flutters after 8pm. Not palpitations. Felt uncomfortable in chest area at 9pm and after 9.30pm felt perfectly well.

Heart rate 84 bpm at 07.54am, 93 bpm at 09.53am, 83 bpm at 13.38pm, 74 bpm at 14.21pm, 70 bpm at 16.47pm, 74 bpm at 21.07pm, 68 bpm at 23.50pm.

Saturday 19th November

Felt well but after breakfast had a mini flutter between 9.30am and 10am. Felt generally well after that and all afternoon apart from a short dizzy spell and a stabbing pain in center of chest. No palpitations, flutters at all.

Felt very well from 8pm,

Heart rate 70 bpm at 9am, 69 bpm at 12.10pm, 66 bpm at 3pm, 76pm at 19.08pm, 70 bpm at 22.24pm.

Sunday 20th November

Poor night's sleep. Went to bed at 1.10am and woke up at 6.30am and couldn't sleep. Had no palpitations or flutters as such but heart speeded up after eating breakfast at 9am. Not to any high or alarming rate. Feel have felt cold today until 6.30pm but not cold to touch.

Heart rate felt unstable after minimal exercise. Heart felt unstable even when I had no palpitations. Then this changed after 2.45pm when I had Sunday lunch. My heart began to race and I had palpitations. More of a uncomfortable, fluttery feeling than thud, thud, thud. This lasted for an hour or so.

Heart rate 65 bpm at 9am, 68 bpm at 1pm, 76 bpm at 2pm, 99 bpm at 3pm, 97 bpm at 3.40pm, 78 bpm at 4.50pm, 77 bpm at 6.10pm, 69 bpm at 8.13pm.

Monday 21st November

Got up at 9am. Felt fine and had a much better night's sleep. Felt well all morning. No flutters, chest pains, palpitations, or dizziness, all reminding me of what my life was like pre-two months ago. The only thing wrong has been my right foot feeling cold again.

They felt cold until 3.10pm and then went back to normal. Heart quiet. Heart rate stable. Chest comfortable

Heart rate 67 bpm at 09.10am, 82 bpm at 13.17pm, 63 bpm at 15.13pm, 64 bpm at 17.39pm, 67 bpm at 19.56pm, 67 bpm at 21.39pm and 62 bpm at 23.35pm.

Tuesday 22nd November

Felt well morning. No palpitations or dizzy spells or pains. Had a dizzy spell PM and heart felt wobbly and unstable between 3.30pm and 4.15pm but no fast heart beat. Had short spells of stabbing pains. Then from 7pm felt well.

Heart rate 67 bpm, 79 bpm, 72 bpm, 81 bpm, 70 bpm, 66 bpm.

Wednesday 23rd November

Felt well until 3.30pm but then heart started feeling wobbly. Left foot felt quite cold but felt well after 6pm. No dizzy spells, chest pains, or palpitations.

Heart rate 64 bpm, 66 bpm, 65 bpm, 65 bpm, 64 bpm.

Thursday 24th November

Had no dizzy spells, chest pains, flutters or plaptiations. Felt normal and well.

Heart rate 62 bpm, 67 bpm, 62 bpm, 64 bpm

Friday 25th November

Poor night's sleep. Fell asleep at 2am. Felt ok but a bit dizzy after 2am. Felt ok until 11.30am then I felt uncomfortable but nothing fast. More a fluttery feel than a flutter than a thud thud thud feeling. Felt more settled by 1.30pm and then flutters started at 3pm. This continued until 6pm when I felt less fluttery. No chest pains, dizziness, heart pains, or cold feelings.

Heart rate 63 bpm, 69 bpm, 88 bpm, 78 bpm, 80 bpm, 70 bpm, 69 bpm at 23.25pm

Saturday 26th November

A very poor night's sleep. Woke up at 5.30am. Four hours sleep. Heart rate felt normal but fluttery and unstable. No thud thud thud palptiations.

Written by
Ungaman profile image
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3 Replies
teach2learn profile image

This is quite a detailed post of symptoms and concerns, best taken to an electrophysiologist (EP) who is better qualified to help make sense of your symptoms. You may be mistaking this forum for a medical advice site with specialized medical personnel vs. the lay individuals, mostly fellow heart rhythm sufferers and patients like yourself who frequent the site. We can share experiences and suggestions, but nothing close to the definitive diagnosis you appear to be seeking. Best wishes.

Goldfish_ profile image

You need ecg evidence of what is happening. Hopefully you have been referred for ecg monitoring or you may wish to purchase AliveCor, currently reduced in price I believe.

Mercurius profile image

If I well understood, the flutter was evidenced in the hospital by ECG. Am I right?

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