I have diabetes, and I've been going to my cardiologist for 4 years now. Have had halter monitors done and picked up irregular activity. He said it may be tachycardia, but it definitely is an arythmia because of so many palpitations and beats skipped. I've been in and out of the e.r for chest. Pain and dizziness. They always send me home and do Nothing because Nothing comes back negative. I dont know what to do, my cardiologist said to come back in 1-2 months and knows about my e.r trips. I'm sick of Nothing being done I'm in pain, have left shoulder pain, and don't know what to do. To go to the e.r just to get told I'm fine When my heart hurts tremendously? What should I do or say?!
I am 19, with chest pain and dizziness. - Heart Rhythm Diso...
I am 19, with chest pain and dizziness.
Hi Dawn,
I do sympathise. Cardiac symptoms can be very distressing, especially if undiagnosed, and of course the stress they cause only makes matters worse. I can reassure you though that most arrhythmia is very common and almost always harmless - most contributors to this forum have experienced it, including me since childhood, and I'm now 66.
Chest pain is another matter. Any cardiologist will tell you that it should never be ignored - especially as you're a diabetic (as I am). You must always seek medical help when chest pains occur, just to be safe.
Your local doctors are probably right and there's nothing to worry about. These days it's easy for them to identify problems (by ECG, blood tests, etc.) and you're very young to have developed typical heart disease. Also, 4 years is a long time to experience heart problems. Indigestion is a possible cause. The pain is similar, including pain in the left shoulder, and the digestion process itself can sometimes induce arrhythmia.
All the same you need a proper examination and diagnosis. The solution is to insist that your GP refers you to a top-class cardiac specialist. It might be a bit of a post code lottery, so why not search the web and find out where the best specialists are? For me it's the Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, which I can recommend. Remember, you're entitled to attend any hospital in the country.
Another suggestion is to buy a Nitrolingual spray (if you don't already have one). Most angina patients keep a bottle to hand because they find it reassuring (it saves lives). You can get the spray from any chemist without a prescription - but ask your pharmacist for advice first. The spray is harmless to use, but will give you a splitting headache.
Good luck.
Thank you pbailey, I just am at my wit ends I also have polycystic ovarian disorder which also sucks, I'm just tired of on an very day basis my heart skips alot to the point I loose my breathe, and the chest pain is unbearable! All my cardiologist says is your test are normal come back if symptoms are worse. And my pains are usually bad at night. So the e.r is my only choice, and they never do anything. I would preferred to get admitted so that way the pain is gone. But they never do that. Unfortunatley I don't drive so it's hard to get around but thanks for you input it means alot!!