I was told 2.5 months ago that I have severe aortic stenosis and referred to see cardiologist
To date not been given appointment
Is this the norm
I was told 2.5 months ago that I have severe aortic stenosis and referred to see cardiologist
To date not been given appointment
Is this the norm
Hi. It depends on where you live as to the time it takes to see a cardiologist. Normally when you have a definite diagnosis you would see a cardiologist straight away. If you are concerned, especially if you are getting tired, contact the cardiologist secretary. I always found them to be very helpful and they should be able to give you some idea of your appointment time.
I was also diagnosed with aorta stenosis and had surgery on 27th January. I was out of hospital on the 1st February and I am making a slow but steady recovery.
You, of course, may not have to have surgery but whatever treatment you have you are in safe hands.
thank you so much for your informative reply
My diagnosis was made by a consultant consequent to another illness that required an echocardiogram She then referred me to the next available cardiologist
I contacted appointments after a month but was told to wait
I will take your advice and try and speak to a secretary
Once again thsnks
that’s outrageous. Hassle the hospital and ask your doctor to chase. Go privately just for a consultation if you can afford it. You will probably need to see a surgeon soon after the cardiologist and that’s another wait so get the first wait over with as fast as you can. Don’t exercise while you wait. See my blog: shaunoconnell.com/2023/08/1...
Thank you for your reply I have scanned your blog and will read more fully
I must admit I am worried because the referral was from a Consultant in emergency A&E when I experienced Transient Global Amnesia to Cardiology in the same trust
At the time December 2024 as fit well and independent 79 Indeed at this time I was weight training swimming walking and yoga I got advice from GP who told me to stop
I am now experiencing bad sleeping and last few days bad dizziness
Will contact GP tomorrow hopefully he will have better luck getting response from cardiology I am grateful for your advice
I was diagnosed in September saw a cardiologist in end of October,saw surgeon late December he requested a angiogram asap I had the angiogram last week seem to be chasing them all of the time ,so stressed out with it all