Hi everyone. I'm new to this group. I have TV, MV regurg, and I also have quite high hypertension. On Wednesday this week I started to lift small bags of garden waste and fill up bags of pebbles, when I got the feeling I was going to pass-out the blackout sensation, the back of my neck became excruciating painful and I felt nauseated and hot and irregular heart rate started. This was the worst episode I'v had.
Does anybody get onset of sob, racing he... - Heart Valve Voice
Does anybody get onset of sob, racing heart and dizziness when you do housework or gardening?
I would speak with your doctor, it could just be your BP, or maybe your medication needs adjusting, all the same I would check with Doc. Best wishes, take care 🙂
i have a MVR back in 2003 and i find no matter what i do do gardening changing the bed clothes hovering it only takes between half to an hour and i have to stop short of breath heart racing exhusted then have to sit on for and hour to calm down the best thing i do is pace myself knowing what will happen and ask for help to doctor told me to slow down knowing my condition so just a bit at a time but definatley speck with your doctor
I have MVP and slight aortic valve prolapse and yes I do my housework and gardening and feel dreadful ,breathless and pressure in chest after. It quite depresses me because I like being active and can,t do what I used to do.
So it's sounds like, the reactions - the symptoms are from the valves - heart, not coping with what the body needs.
Hi, I'm new here too and have severe MR. I'm also a doctor but not an expert on hearts! I experience SOB and palpitations when gardening or doing even just moderate exertion, but can walk briskly for miles . I know I have not got heart failure, so think the more moderate exertion is just more than the valves/heart can cope with. Do see your doctor though as you'll be at risk of irregular heart rhythms.. so worth getting checked out. Take it easy.
Hi. This all started in Sep/2020, with T-wave inversions in leads 3+4, in the Ambulance ECGs and the ED ECG, (the conclusion - nothing but Costochrondrites (me, what??) this was day 8-9 feeling unwell. The next fifteen (++) something Ambo trips, (21,22,23) same readings, + changes, BP, 195,198,207/110,114,116,(I'v never ever had BP over 120/75-80: never in my life before. This yr 2022, i was shopping, I had felt unwell that morning, thought nothing of it, got to the shop, it got worse. Contacted Dr, drove( feeling yuck) BP climbing, so Dr rings for Ambo; in I go again. But these Ambo-trips; me feeling like I'm choking, head about to explode queasy (vomit sometimes) with a achy-pain in my back by my left shoulder blade it would feel really uncomfortable. Result, nothing, must be anxiety, or reflux, or unfit - umm no, my job is very physical: not sedentary/static for 5-7 hrs and weight-bearing for 5-7hrs/5dys a wk. Was told Ectopics no concern. But each year it has gotten worse. Anyway to 2023, Echo done; oh MV+TV regurg, LH thickening, told this, Jan/2024, when I was on the Ambo, stretcher back to ED, ( why; BP too high, chest pressure checked by Pharmacist who said, ring the Ambo), back in again (this yr 3x).ED Consultant (great Dr) said, BP wayyy too high, and climbing/ could have a Stoke: me yeah I feel ill. Fell asleep, woke up BP 128/85: me oh good/phew. Got up went home. I'v had Bradycardia and SVTachycardia/and T-wave Inversions/SOB, reads, in hospital out of hospital - fainty feelings for these past four years; why I have no clue. But when they happen I know it. That last one, I wrote up: three wks ago, was the worst I ever had the pain in the back of my neck-shoulders was excruciating, took fours days to recover; at home. But here is something I had not thought of. When I was 18ish, I got into a hot pool, got out and woke up under the bench seat, this happened twice. Then I remembered, hot water, or at school athletics - running especially sprints I would get dizzy. Hot water bath or showers would cause this too. When I was in Labor with my 2nd child a Dr in hospital picked up Tachy, because I felt like I was going to faint; asked me if I had this often. Me I had no idea what he was talking about, shrugged it off, had my baby - hrs later, all good had four babies; same, but nah it's all good just Labor. Had an op in 2014, started op at 7:30am out cold woke up 4:45pm, dizzy and excruciating back pain; few wks prior to op, passing-out, woke up on the ground a few time - nah it's okay. There is Hrt/F,HV and arrhythmias in my family on my mother and father's -(WPW), side; 1 of my sister's, and my brother. I had no clue about that history as I thought nothing of my uncles being so sick or my siblings ( aka just kinda normal, I guess). I was just living my life till 2020. Never gave a thought to any of it. Yeah here I am..... waiting.
Oh, yes. I'v seen a few of those in clinic: Outpatient, and...all is well, apparently.Me, hmm?