About - Heart Valve Voice | HealthUnlocked

Heart Valve Voice

380 members95 posts

About Heart Valve Voice

Heart Valve Voice is the UK's dedicated heart valve disease charity. Heart Valve Voice is a collection of people with real experiences of heart valve disease, including a multi-disciplinary group of experts in the field (cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, GPs), cardiac patient societies and, most importantly, patients.

We work with patients and clinicians to help increase the awareness of heart valve disease in the UK and improve diagnosis and treatment. Heart valve disease affects over 1.5 million people over the age of 65 in the UK and while there have been many advancements in the treatment of this disease the unfortunate fact is that far too many people are not being diagnosed and treated early enough.

As a patient organisation, the power of our voice comes from the lived experiences of our patient community. Their stories are our lifeblood, and we use those experiences to affect change for future valve disease patients. Our community is a place where people can share their experiences, support each other and learn about heart valve disease treatment.

You can read some of our heart valve disease stories here <heartvalvevoice.com/heart-v...

Our aim is to ensure that more of the population is aware of the importance of having their heart checked for heart valve disease, which can often be detected through a simple stethoscope check. With increased awareness, we hope to see many more heart valve disease patients get the treatment they need to go on to live full and happy lives.

Guidelines Highlights

Be kind, respectful, and understanding of one another
Actively listen & have in mind that everyone deals with their own private challenges
Post from your own experience
"For me, this worked..." rather than "You should do this..."
This is a space for peer to peer and emotional support
The community does not replace the relationship or advice given by your healthcare professional
Provide your sources of information
Use well-known sources of information and add the URL to your reply or post
No political content
Let's focus on individual health experiences
This community should not be used for commercial or personal promotion
No selling, no fundraising, no spam
View detailed guidelines

Moderation team

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