would like to find more ways to cope and how to excersice
COPD: would like to find more ways to cope... - Healthy Evidence

Had a look at COPD on Google. I need a little bit more information. When did you get it and what does your GP say the causes are.
COPD is a diagnoses from a list of symptoms. Symptoms can have different causes.
So exercise can be rigerous if one cause or has to be very light if another cause.
How to cope depends on causes and symptoms. So need more information.
Thanks John for the information will definitely look in to it

There are some resources from the British Lung Foundation: blf.org.uk/Page/chronic-obs...
Your local NHS service should have a COPD or Respiratory Service offering something called Pulmonary Rehabilitation as this is the primary treatment for COPD. This is offered to many people whose COPD may benefit from structured and targeted exercise and should include educational sessions on management of the condition, medication and inhaler technique and psychological wellbeing.
Suitability and intensity of exercise would have to be guided by the assessment undertaken by a specialist clinician, usually a specialist Nurse or Physiotherapist.
You would likely have to see your GP or Respiratory Consultant for a referral.
I hope you have found the information you were looking for about COPD. I have COPD and I am a member of BLF social media site if you have not already joined I would do so they are very helpful. And will give you all the help you need. Also if you ave not done so I would ask your GP about being referred to a pulmanory rehab course. Take care