Alcohol is a poison, an antiseptic, an analgesic and a sedative. It is used to settle the stomach, treat flatulence and to aid digestion. Does alcohol keep a person sane ? We hear so much about the negative aspects of alcohol without really seeing its benefits as the world turns and societies kill each other. Drinkers are not necessarily to be regarded as criminals, and why should they be stigmatized by the medical authorities who actively dole out psychiatric drugs and offer little else as a solution to a wide spectrum of conditions from OCD to PTSD, anxiety, and depression? Many drinkers aren't "dirty criminals", they simply lack choices in their lives.
"My cup runneth over ...": Alcohol is a... - Healthy Evidence
"My cup runneth over ..."
Known fact that occasional, sensible drinkers live longer than teetotallers!! I believe the anti-stress benefits of alcohol should be sensibly promoted and utilised more, it is probably the reason why those who drink sensibly live longer than those who never imbibe. I do think though that most drinkers are not regarded as "dirty criminals" because they drink. Most people I know drink to unwind - relax, and to be sociable. Nothing more. And most people I know drink.
I have a "wee dram" every night, just one. I believe it thins the blood more effectively and pleasantly than Warfarin which, when all's said and done, is rat-poison! It mellows the mind without turning me into a zombie as prescription drugs tend to do. Alcohol is proof that God loves us!!!
I think alcohol is a gift given to us by God. Turning water into wine was one of the miracles performed by the Lord Jesus Christ. He also passed it around as a symbol of His blood at the last supper. King David said "my vessel becomes inebriated", translated more accurately within the Biblia Sacra Vulgata than in English / occidental Bibles, rather than "my cup runneth over". When used with wisdom and faith and sincerity, alcohol can protect and heal. It can preserve and protect the everlasting soul from the ugly onslaught of enemy abuses. Operations require anesthesia - so life may sometimes require alcohol.
I don't think of alcohol as a panacea in the Dionysian sense. I am religious. I know it can be a deadly poison and can cause terrible tragedy in life. Not everyone, however, has the advantages that "T-Totalers" have. I'm just saying that within reason it isn't necessarily a bad thing compared to some other things and some other prescribed substances.
Thank you for your respect ! Much appreciated .......