Genetically modified food ban lifted in S.A... - Healthy Eating

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Genetically modified food ban lifted in S.Australia.

19 Replies

Hi everyone,

This is in the news in Australia as the ban on GM crops has been lifted and whats interesting is it mainly affects cotton canola and sunflower so after the cooking oil poll which highlighted some very interesting points about rapeseed oil and the like.

I know that the GM genie is out of the bottle but I don't like it and am wary of GM corn and soy so only buy GM soy diary products.

Here are 2 interesting articles about it:

This is to 'counter' ignorance of GM food:

Photo courtesy of: Jason South an Anti-GM activist in a field of genetically modified canola. no copyright infringement intended.

19 Replies
Cooper27 profile image

That's a shame.

I think most of the food we eat these days has been genetically modified, even just by selective breeding. It's not necessarily always an awful thing: broccoli is denser, bananas, limes and grapes don't have seeds. They made fruit sweeter too.

The EU thankfully requires that GMO foods are marked to say they're GMO. I hope the UK will have a similar law.

Thank you for sharing Jerry and this is very sad. I don't want genetically modified food and I'm sure there are many others out there that don't want to consume it either.

I second what Cooper27 has said below in that I also hope that the UK have a similar law as the EU. Our food years ago i.e. when I was a child was not genetically modified, they need to stop playing with nature. :(

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I agree. Man needs to stop playing around with nature. It’s like man is trying to beat god’s work but will not win. Nature is too powerful.

I’m not a religious person. I don’t believe in THEIR god, the one that most christians/catholics pray to. The one I call a myth.

I believe in A god but I don’t believe you have to go to some building just to talk to this god.

And the whole thing with christianity, well anyone can put a few drops of tap water on a babies head.

That’s my view anyhow.

Don’t have a go at me if you don’t agree.

I don’t know the ins and outs of GMOs, as the first article stated that most people probably don’t understand the science and I will admit, I don’t understand the science but I think that science can only go so far.

I don’t trust GMOs by a long shot.

When I first started reading into GMOs it gave an example of a tomato that had been GM’d.

A tomato cannot survive/grow in cold climates so scientists grab the genes of a fish that can survive the cold and splice it with the genes of the tomato.

It says in the first article that a lot of people see GMOs as unnatural.

Well that’s a bit obvious, of course there unnatural.

To modify the genes of an organism is in no way natural.

Tomatoes are perfect as they are, whether they survive the cold or not, it is man buggering them up.

You may know of weather modification. Another load of scientific faff where man tries to play god... once again.

If there was no weather modification and there was no climate change then we would have the perfect weather conditions for tomatoes to grow in.

But instead we decide to destroy this one beautiful planet :(.

GMOs all came about because of chemical company, Monsanto, who have a 100+ years history of wrong doings.

I see them as evil, plain evil.

You can go visit a Monsanto page on facebook and start talking about the unnatural, unhealthy aspects of GMOs and you will get bombarded with comments TRYING to prove you wrong.

It’s called lobbying.

Monsanto, or Bayer-Monsanto now, have trillions and they pay off many people to go and lie about the safety of their dangerous babies.

As Jerry was saying once that he is a believer in knowledge and I second that too.

“Knowledge is power”... not money :).

in reply to Matt2584

I agree with you Matt, leave nature as it is, we don't need to interfere.

We all have our own beliefs in some way or other and sometimes it helps people to deal with life's difficulties and that's good. Not a problem at all having your own views.

I don't know much about GMOs but I do think that the scientist's need to simplify the way in which the process is explained so the non-scientist understands it more.

They certainly are unnatural as they are playing with nature. We used to only eat fruit and vegetables in season and not all year round i.e. cabbage in Winter, tomatoes in the Summer etc. When I was a child we always ate what was in season and my mum used to grow her own fruit and vegetables, nothing better, they tasted really lovely.

They are constantly trying to blind us with science and I get fed up with it. It was far simpler years ago when we didn't have the big companies like we have now.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Simplicity is the best way.

I believe life in general should be simple.

I don’t believe we have to work and so on.

I wanna live like how the Irish used to in the 1920s. They would plant their potatoes, sing, dance, be merry and watching there potatoes grow.

Sounds like a simple but perfect life to me :).

Down with capitalism.

in reply to Matt2584

Agree life should be more simple, all people seem to do these days is rush around and use the word 'stress' a lot.

People do need to work to live but many are 'put upon' and the powers that be squeeze as much out of their employees as possible.

I do think some people, not all, these days expect 'things' i.e. the latest technology/car etc.

I spend a lot of my time enjoying the countryside, I love it.

in reply to

Me too Alicia and the best things in life are free...😁

in reply to

Oh yes Jerry, they certainly are, can't beat the British countryside 😀

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

When you say "People do need to work to live..." well I think "No, not really".

Humans are the only species to pay through the nose in order to LIVE.

Cats don't pay, dogs don't pay, Bengal tigers don't pay... so why do we?

I think money is pretty much worthless really. It is about as useful as a used sock.

You can't eat money, it doesn't provide nutrients for the body. It is not an essential item.... Well actually, saying that the current £5 and £10 has Tallow in it., animal fat so may have some nutrients :)... but that's beside the actual point.

Having said that though, I do think we could probably use a small amount of money instead of people having millions here and billions there and so on. I think there is way too much money in the world that the the rich hold onto that most of the people in poverty could do with instead.

I would love to live in a community where we all grew our own food and not had to worry about work. Neighbours could trade their fruit or veg with one another.

My neighbour has chickens and often gives us eggs. They are nice.

in reply to Matt2584

Hi Matt, what nice neighbours you have. 😊

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Yes Jerry, he is nice to us.

I think really we should return the favour, maybe grow a load of tomatoes and give him some.

My mum loves gardening and she has a little gardening job tarting up the gardens for some older people.

One of her clients is my aunties’ dad’s garden. He has a plum tree in his garden and gave some to is.

I tried one but won’t be eating the rest. They are quite tough and rubbery and they are very very bitter as well.

So we thank him for the kind gesture but those plums are going to be composted... the worms will love ‘em :).

in reply to Matt2584

Hi Matt, thats nice of your aunts dad to give you plums and next time try putting them in a paper bag together and leave them at room temperature and they will soon ripen and be soft and sweet.

The worms had a treat so nice one...😊

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Ah, a paper bag. I shall have to remember that one for next time.

I think my mum would rather have composted them :).

in reply to Matt2584

Obviously we wouldn't be able to buy some of the food we eat without money, or the fuel for the car (I live in the countryside) but agree that there are people out there that have far too much and could easily help a lot of people that are in need. The one thing I have said is if I had a lot of money I would love to help people.

You do have some nice neighbours, how lovely of them.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

The mega rich, celebrities, sports, entrepreneurs and other sources that generate money, if they all shared out there money with the rest of us and everybody was wealthy then poverty would not exist.

If I had millions in the bank I could imagine myself walking down the street and randomly handing wads of money to passers by.

You are pretty lucky to live in the countryside as well :).

in reply to Matt2584

Agree. I'm happy to say that there are some celebrities that donate lots of money to charities and help individuals but don't shout about it. But yes there are alot out there that are 'me me me' i.e. the awful Gemma Collins. Where I live there is a guy nearby who has loads of money (I hasten to add he's world's apart from us) and he keeps all his money, never helps charities and is totally miserable, as they say, 'I rest my case. As far as I'm concerned there's nothing better than helping people and charities.

We bought our house over 40 years ago when property prices were in line to pay, not like it is now.

Activity2004 profile image

Interesting and as both Cooper27 and Hidden has said, this is sad about what is going on with the foods we all eat. Things have to change.

in reply to Activity2004

Totally agree with you Activity2004 , things definately need to change. The powers that be don't seem to care.

Matt2584 profile image

I agree. Man needs to stop playing around with nature. It’s like man is trying to beat god’s work but will not win. Nature is too powerful.

I’m not a religious person. I don’t believe in THEIR god, the one that most christians/catholics pray to. The one I call a myth.

I believe in A god but I don’t believe you have to go to some building just to talk to this god.

And the whole thing with christianity, well anyone can put a few drops of tap water on a babies head.

That’s my view anyhow.

Don’t have a go at me if you don’t agree.

I don’t know the ins and outs of GMOs, as the first article stated that most people probably don’t understand the science and I will admit, I don’t understand the science but I think that science can only go so far.

I don’t trust GMOs by a long shot.

When I first started reading into GMOs it gave an example of a tomato that had been GM’d.

A tomato cannot survive/grow in cold climates so scientists grab the genes of a fish that can survive the cold and splice it with the genes of the tomato.

It says in the first article that a lot of people see GMOs as unnatural.

Well that’s a bit obvious, of course there unnatural.

To modify the genes of an organism is in no way natural.

Tomatoes are perfect as they are, whether they survive the cold or not, it is man buggering them up.

You may know of weather modification. Another load of scientific faff where man tries to play god... once again.

If there was no weather modification and there was no climate change then we would have the perfect weather conditions for tomatoes to grow in.

But instead we decide to destroy this one beautiful planet :(.

GMOs all came about because of chemical company, Monsanto, who have a 100+ years history of wrong doings.

I see them as evil, plain evil.

You can go visit a Monsanto page on facebook and start talking about the unnatural, unhealthy aspects of GMOs and you will get bombarded with comments TRYING to prove you wrong.

It’s called lobbying.

Monsanto, or Bayer-Monsanto now, have trillions and they pay off many people to go and lie about the safety of their dangerous babies.

As You were saying once that you are a believer in knowledge and I second that too.

“Knowledge is power”... not money :).

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