Welcome to the forum.
I have two pieces of advice for you:
1) if your doctor is advising statins please take their advice.
There is a great recent article about why statins work (and why some people think they don't) sciencebasedmedicine.org/th...
You will find on this forum a number of people who claim that cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease and that stains don't work. For your own health's sake, don't believe them. There is a reason that the major heath authorities like the NHS and the WHO advise the use of statins - which is that they actually work.
2) In addition to point 1) a dietary based solution is still preferable (and there is no reason why your shouldn't do both initially, until the dietary solution has kicked in)
Have a look at this article on how a plant based diet can help:
I said it before ben and I shall say it again. “Wherever money goes, corruption will follow”.
Because people are waking up more to health foods now, a lot of disinformation is being thrown around too.... like the info you just said about stains.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
Hippocrates never said that for no reason you know.
My aunty was told to go on statins years ago and slowly but surely she has deteriorated. She’ll say it’s because of old age, it’s not. It’s because of the statins.
So thanks to you, you have gone and told halfajob to take statins which will probably make his/her life worse in the long run.
And I thought this was a health forum. I was expecting to gain knowledge of healthy, REAL food but when there are people on here following science it only makes me think they are brainwashed or are a payed government shill to spread disinformation.
Sadly, it looks like Hippocrates never did said that, and it's current usage is a misquote:
As for my advice to halfajob, I stand by it as its based on sound science. What is unconscionable in my view is to try and frighten people who've been diagnosed with a medical condition into ignoring their doctors advice because of some conspiracy theory found on the internet.
the science based evidence article is very comprehensive and informative.

One tip we were given for lowering cholesterol is to reduce salt intake - please be mindful about added salt in your foods.
Cooper is right. Added salt is in almost all processed foods. Finding a processed food without added salt is almost impossible. Much bacon has salt and/or sugar rubbed into it, and that is what causes the spitting in the frying pan.
Sound suggestions from benwl, halfjob. 👍👍
Supplemental nuances for consideration? 🤔
. . . • If you’re physician 👨⚕️ assess that statins are the only immediate option in your immediate situation, halfjob, then you’ll need to think through 🤔💭 — along with your physician — if statins 💊 are the only option right for you in your current situation.
. . . • If you’re 👨⚕️ assess that 💊’s are NOT the only option in your immediate situation & that Diet 🥗 & Lifestyle 🚶♂️ changes (D/L) are additional and/or an alternative option for you, then you’ll need to think through 🤔💭 — along with your 👨⚕️ — if D/L changes are an additional and/or an even better option for you.
🤔 💭 💭
So, the likely 3 choices may be:
. . . 1️⃣ Statins only 💊
. . . 2️⃣ Statins 💊 AND Diet 🥗/ Lifestyle🚶♂️changes
. . . 3️⃣ D/L changes only
Thinking aloud:
. . . # 2️⃣ covers both bases if you’re in a critical 🚨 state.
. . . # 3️⃣ is an ‘ideal’ 🌈 med-free option, if your physician assess that your not in a critical state & you’re actually willing & sincerely committed to D/L changes.
. . . # 1️⃣ is a speedy "band-aid approach" 🤕 that may initially bring cholesterol numbers down 📉 , but without actual D/L changes, the continued use of statins would likely be required(?) for rest of life & long-term use could have potential down-side of ‘side-effects’ over time? 🤔
Kindly consider thoroughly working through — thinking through 🤔💭 , talking through 🗣💬 — all options with your physician 👨⚕️ .
Working hand-in-hand 🤝 together with your physician, halfjob, you’ll assess what makes sense in the near-term & long-term for you.
Wishing your the very best in whatever options you & your physician decide are appropriate for you. 😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞
Oh . . . few more bits:
If you & your 👨⚕️ determine prescribed statins💊 ALONG WITH diet changes is best to lower your cholesterol 📉 initially, please bear 🐻 in mind 🧠 :
. . . • Once your dietary 🥗 / lifestyle 🚶♂️ changes begin to ‘kick in’ , you’ll likely need to reduce statins 💊 .
. . . • You reduce statins under your physician’s watchful eye 👁 — guidance/ careful monitoring. 📊
No worries. No fears. 😌 🙏
Yes, for many, many of us cholesterol lowering IS achieved (with or without 💊s) & maintained by changing what we eat & how we manage our Diet & Lifestyle.
It can be done & YOU can do it too! 😃 👍👍
If you’re ever interested in additional information, have a look if (or whenever) you’d like:
📄 📹 forksoverknives.com/who-sho... 📄 pcrm.org/good-nutrition/nut...
📄 📹 nutritionfacts.org/topics/c... 📄 forksoverknives.com/plant-b...
📄 📹 nutritionfacts.org/topics/s... 📄 dresselstyn.com/site/study05/
Merely supplemental information if interested, halfjob (or anyone else). 👍👍
These couple minutes (4:36 – 6:20) are about statins, cholesterol, stents … from T. Colin Campbell’s perspective:
😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞
I am 71, had 4 cardiac arrests last June, and they put in a pacemaker/ICD for my AFIB and heart failure. They wanted me to start on statins, but I am also terrified of them because of all the possible horrible side effects. I saw several different cardiologists while I was in the hospital for a week then, and I talked to all of them about avoiding the statins. I had read several books like Dr Ornish's Reversing Heart Disease, and was actually researching a vegan diet when all this happened. I asked all the cardiologists if they would let me try to help myself through diet instead of taking the statins. Every one of the said that they had several patients who were able to totally help themselves with Dr Ornish's diet or a vegan diet. They all gave me their blessing. It is not easy, but actually not as hard as I thought it would be. I still have a couple eggs or a can of tuna once in a while if I feel weak, but try to be vegan most of the time. I am losing some weight and also my cholesterol is better now, even tho I had a lot of goodies I shouldn't have had over Christmas. You can do some research yourself and then ask your cardiologist if he will let you try to help yourself through diet. Of course I do not know how bad your cholesterol really IS, so you do need to talk to him first! If diet changes fail for you, they can always put you on the drugs later, right?
👍👍 Dean Ornish "Reversing Heart Disease": 📖 amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_no...
📄 prevention.com/health/a2044... . . 📹 google.com/search?as_q=Dean... 🙏 😌
Your noting ‘feeling weak’ in passing, goldy, reminded me of some ideas💡 especially since migrating to a new diet. (Merely shared thoughts 💭 if interested. Kindly by-pass if unwanted. 🙏 😌 )
. . . 💡 If your not already supplementing with B12, it might be worth considering? 🤔 [ healthunlocked.com/cure-art.... ]
. . . 💡 Ditto, for Vitamin D (hormone) if you’re not already getting enough Vit. D through skin exposure to sunshine 🌞 ? [ healthunlocked.com/cure-art.... ]
. . . 💡 Increasing dark leafy greens 🥬 🍃 🌱— through salads 🥗 & green smoothies (blender drinks 🍹 ) — might help boost strength 💪 & energy ⚡️. [ healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... ]
Merely supplemental thoughts 🤔💭 , goldy.
Oh . . . and, of course, checking with your physician 👩⚕️ before implementing any changes is sensible & safe. 👍 Best wishes. 😌 🙏
Welcome to the Healthy eating forum, halfajob - there is also some information in NHS healthy eating pages, that you might find beneficial:

First of all, you should not be scared because one can not take a healthy decision with a disturbed mind. Here are the things you should do in my opinion:
1. Know the magnitude of your problem first. Have your complete lipid profile. Total cholesterol on its own may not be sufficient to assess risk of CVD.
2. Do you have any other issues, e.g. overweight, high BS , high BP ?
3. Read about Cholesterol and risk of CVD. There are several new research results. Many of the GPs are not aware of these and simply follow the outdated rulebook and prescribe Statins.
4. Dietary intervention combined with some physical exercise should be the first line of action unless your lipid profile is too bad.
If you have your lipid profile, please post them here. You may get better feedback from this forum.
If you take a statin you will need to take CoQ10 because statins deplete this, if you are over 35 you should take Ubiquinol, the complete form of CoQ10. As we age the body loses the ability to convert Ubiquinone to Ubiquinol. This is what I do and have been taking for years.
Have you tried to get information on the cholesterol forum. It makes good sense to me to start with them first.
20 years ago my doctor prescribed satins medication for me. Reasons to long to go into I decided not to take them.
My brother inlaw had been taking satins for about 3 years and exercise regularly and had a good healthy diet.
He thought me crazy not taking satins. He died of a heart attack two years later and am still going strong.
A few years ago I was told during a check-up that my cholesterol levels were high and was put on statins. The side effects were horrific. The muscles in my arms became so weak it was very difficult even to steer my car. I was told the weakness would gradually ease but if they were damaging my body to that extent I decided to stop taking them. Instead I did a little research. I noticed several yoghurt type drinks often advertised as good for reducing cholesterol and discovered the ingredient included in them was usually plant sterols. Rather than buy the drinks which are quite expensive I decided to buy a supply of plant sterols and experiment with those. They seem to have worked like magic. On my last check-up ( am now 84) I was told my cholesterol levels were fine and have never had any muscle problems since.
Can you give the ingredients of the supplements your taking.
How is your LDL level - usually quite easy to drop the Trig. with Omega Oils.
I am at present trying to build some muscle mass back on the arms after statin use , now discontinued after 15+ years . Wish I'd stopped 15yrs ago but information was not freely available about the repercussions of long time statin use.
Made me smile.
I was on statins for years, then I started reading about them and their affects on the body and quit taking them last year. I started on a Whole Food Plant Based diet and now Im down to one arthritis drug I take, which is like ibuprofen, for my knee pain. I decided I was done taking all these drugs the doctors hand out like candy because other than surgery, thats their only go to recommendation. Food choices changed my high cholesteral problem, not the doctors. Do some research.