Fallen: Completely lost the plot tonight... - Healthy Eating

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•8 Replies

Completely lost the plot tonight. Soooo many calories will take me weeks to get things back.😢

8 Replies
Walshy3 profile image

Hey one bad day doesn’t derail a whole process! Draw a line through it and get back to it tomorrow xx

Bungiecat profile image

Everyone has a bad week what you need to realise is you know how to get back on track and you will see results soon G

Kaz747 profile image

Don’t beat yourself up, just get back on track tomorrow. Never feel guilty about enjoying food. I watched a documentary recently on the secrets of slim people. What they found was that if they had a pig out one day, they’d focus on eating healthier for the next few days, or go for a longer walk/run. It’s only when you have day after day, week after week, of excess calories that the impact is felt.

Hey welcome to the human race and you just have to pick yourself up dust yourself down and get back on track.

And you can do it so good luck. 😊

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andyswarbs profile image

no one here has not lost the plot at some time! Get right back up.

When I lose the plot I go well and truly overboard.

Been there done that got the t-shirt. Draw a line under it and go back to basics, you don’t plan to fail but do fail to plan; write yourself a menu either based around what food you have in or what you need to buy, write down everything you’re going to eat for each meal making sure it has everything you need including snacks and go for it. You can do this and remember nobody is perfect all the time, accept it and move past it. X

san_ray70 profile image

We all have bad days weeks where we lose nothing, but we are still trying, if it is for your health keep on trying. Do not let food rule your life, just keep going to Lytham's larder, he has some great recipes. Good luck

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