when i first awoke i did ecxperience dots in my vision but given eye drops it cleare appparently coomon to experience bleed behind the eye the eye drops washed it out infact my eyesight improved i used to use glassses to watch tv and computer now i use them only to drive
yes the tumour wrapped itself around my right optic nerve, so now only have blurred vision in that eye
I didn't need glasses before my brain haemorrhage. I now wear glasses with a prism in each lens, the prisms help to balance my pupils, without glasses I can see but dip my head to one side to help with balance and focus. I was the oldest at the hospital opticans for a good many appointments, it was all small children but hey ho I got sorted, so it was worth it. See your consultant if you still have one and talk about your sight problems and he/she should be able to recommend a good optician. Good luck ??
senative to light and blind as a bat in the dark or any un lit areas. also double vision and short sighted...
Double vision and had injections so that the prisms would work but there is something to do with the damage where the eyes work at the back of the head. So my eyes will follow moving objects that i dont want to look at. I get tired and the sight problems get worse. I am also sensitive to light and my night vision is pants.
When i look at coloured text on black background i cant see drk blue on black at all, i cant read red on black. Pink looks like it stands proud of the back ground and pale blue looks like it is sunken into the background. I do struggle with other background colours too but that is the most noticable so far!!
Depth perception is not so great and i neglected the right side for a while but apart from that im just short sighted!
oh i got a holew in my eye today because i turned around and got a branch in my right eye, didnt even notice the treeeeeee!!! Yes its sore.
Have 2 issues with my sight as a result for my head injury. My right eye pupil does not dilate and the eye has lmited movement.
More life changing that that I have some thing called Hemianopia Alexia (I think its called) which makes driving impossible, reading slow and tireing and coping in crowds very stressful and difficult. Basically the field of view is massivly reduced. It's very hard to explain and difficult to understand.
Try telling someone you can read the bottom line of an eye test chart, but can't drive due to poor eyesight and watch the puzzled look on their face.
I had a benign tumour removed but it has left me with quite a few sight problems. I have double vision and everything through my right eye looks distorted. I am now colour blind and have difficulty reading some coloured texts. I can't read small print without a magnifying glass. I no longer have an eye for detail and miss things that seem obvious to others. But all of that is small potatoes really. I am alive and well and back in work!
I am waiting for field of vision tests, I can forget things to the right hand side, knock things over and can't find things if I don't put them away, I need bright light to see clearly my night vision is awful and I don't enjoy reading as much as I used to. I had viral encephalitis 12 months ago and am still suffering from dizziness and balance problems but keep being told how lucky I am! as I could be so much worse with little quality of life. My neurologist said she didn't need to see me again because I had recovered so well, but every day is different some better than others, but I don't know 'til I get out of bed how the day will go. Sleep very well though, could just sleep all day!
Sadly yes. My ICH has left me partially sighted in both eyes. The lower left quadrant is blind in both. Apparently the ICH damaged the optic nerves. I have no peripheral vision in my left eye which makes reading very difficult as I can't the left hand side of the page. A lady on here suggested I get a Kindle as you can alter the margin & text size. It really helps so now I can read a bit.
All most frustrating though as I constantly walk into things & & I can't cut anything straight with scissors. knives or secateurs in the garden when i'm pruning.I constantly hack off the wrong branches.
It makes me really angry sometimes .Wh0'd have a brain injury !

Hi Zeblet, I'm that lady and glad the kindle helps a bit, I'd be lost without my iPad too. If I'm writing I have to conciously think how to fill the page, typing too if I'm not careful I leave a blank margin down the right hand side of the page, cos my peripheral vision is pants on that side. Think they've forgotten my binocular vision test at the hospital, they said they'd arrange one but that was ages ago, must look out my last letter!!!!!
Janet xxxx
Hi Janet! So you were, in true brain injury style I couldn't remember who it was. Thoroughly enjoying my bath time kindle, I had no idea there were free books to be had, brilliant!. I've never had a binocular test just loads of visual field tests. I'm long sighted with a squint & I've worn glasses since I was 18 months old It was actually the optician who found the blind bits in a normal appointment & that led to me being sent to the neuro for EEG, MRI etc. When I had the ICH they told me it was a physcological problem for 2 years. I often ask myself where I'd be if they'd diagnosed it when it happened. We'll never know what caused it but a bit of early treatment may have done something, who knows.
Keep Kindling xx

Im after free audio books now too , I only found out about the binocular test cos the hospital said that would pinpoint the peripheral vision deficiciences better, not that anyone can do anything about it, it just explains things to you doesn't it??