do i even have a brain injury?: - Headway
do i even have a brain injury?

and what makes you say that
I just can't talk and walk and i think there isn't much wrong with me like every 1 else i dont fit in with many people
is the not walking and not talking and the fact you feel you don't fit in, signs that in fact you do have a brain injury
or do you mean that you don't feel like you have a brain injury because your cognitive abilities are not affected?
yeah my cognitive abilities seem fine
ahh it makes sense now
why you asked your initial question of: 'do i even have a brain injury?'
will you be able to talk again or walk?
Dont think so
Nick all head/brain injuries are different, Nobody has the same head injury and effects. Have you seen a Rehab Consultant or Neuropsychology recently?
not recently saw 1 when i first had my accident in 2007 should i see another 1 do u think?
wow you have been broken in many ways!. To read you are doing IT at college is amazing and independant living good on ya.. Are you still in a wheel chair and need care? You want to read that letter on one of the posts from your brain.. i know sounds weird but you sound like me rushing to get well and forgetting what your brain had to deal with. If you foreget and show folks your getting on then they will leave you to it.The more you do the less others do which is fine to a certain degree but to me it sounds like you still need help and support so next step is how? Here is a great start. Ring headway or type a few lines and be honest and open and see if they can guide to the next step. or just use us lot. xx My medical tean have never given me a neurophycologist which considering they no what its all about ie why we react.think and do the thigs we do is quite dissapointing. I got a normal psycologist who was ok but didnt quite get some of my maybe i need to practice what i preach and get one I am here for you should you need a chat.
have a read ...
'Letter from your brain' By Alicedenham
if you havent been seen since your accident, i think it would be worth getting a referral. your local Headway worker may be able to do a referral for you to Neuropsychology and to a Rehab Consultant. Was you ever in Ashby Ward at Lincoln County Hospital after your accident?
yeah was on ashby ward a few months and i thought u had to get a referral from ur doctor to see a Neuropschology