I cannot multi task. if i am in a room with more than 2 peolpe my brain does nt no which one to listen to. Confused , com, same with sounds. i will home in on one sound but if ther is more its oh frustration. walking and talking is hard. you no what i mean..... Iam sure you have had experiance of this but will it get any easier?
how long will it last?: I cannot multi task. if i... - Headway
how long will it last?

Hi my son was the same and still can be even after 6 years. he would have to have total silence when doing anything otherwise god help us he used to get so angry. He could only do one thing at a time, but as of late ive made him start cooking and he is doing very well, even talks laughs and can run off and answer the door or phone at the same time, this might not sound alot but to him this is massive. I think maybe it has taken him about 3 years to be able to keep up with everyone talking at the same time and be able to join in, but if this last for a period of time he tends to walk, and find a quite place. I think they will be always a little side of him not muliti tasking all the time, i just tell him thats men and he laughs. Ive just ask my son your question, does it get easier, and his words are, deffo!! he says just keep going, time is a great healer. Take care and don't be hard on yourself. x
Oh yes......always good fun at the first Tuesday meetings with several of us all taliking at the same time.
As for noise, that's a real bugger indeed. Keeping attention on someone talking whilst others are speaking at the same time, music playing, general noise as so on.
If you find a cure for us you'll be a millionaire!!!!
Yes, yes, I was the same! For a year I could not do more than one thing at a time. E.g. if radio was on, I couldn't follow what someone was saying to me. If two people were talking at the same time, forget it. So stressful, my brain would jam, I would get frustrated and snappy. And it's really exhausting too, isn't it?
The second year for me was still really hard but a little bit better. Now in third year since my accident, and still improving bit by bit. (Having said that, I have just switched off the radio so that I can concentrate on what I am typing!) It is frustrating but I have learned that I need to adapt to the 'new normal'. I'm sure you have too. Switch things off, or take time out. I am seeing a psychologist for post traumatic stress and anxiety, and she said I should explain to my young children that trying to listen to two people at once is like trying to pat my tummy and rub my head at the same time. Get them to try it, then they might understand!
Your brain is miraculous though, it keeps making repairs or finding new pathways around the damage. So it will get better, slowly.
hi, it does get easier in the beginning over 15 years ago i thought i would go mad as i would get overload in the shops or even at home as you say you just get used to your new normal , but the walking and talking doesnt i cant concentrate on walking and talking and keeping my balance at the same time , i now have a card that has my photo on with the i am a survivor of a brain injury (from headway) that i wear around my neck . but everyone is different so keep going and just do your best at whatever you can
i could really do with a card like that . how do you get one please. thanks for your support all. I get well puddled abd lost sometimes if on my own. oops. I f someone gives me directions i forget what they tell me after the first instruction..teehee

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Thankyou ...i did and they did.