hi people I’m currently working full time but am really struggling now with fatigue, migraines etc I want to work but I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to do full time much longer as it’s killing me but like everyone else I’ve got a family and bills to pay does anyone know of any help we can get . My rtc was when I was 17 and was serious I’m now 34 many thanks
fatigue : hi people I’m currently working full time... - Headway

Sorry to hear of your struggles. It's tough managing work alongside brain injury. Are you getting enough breaks during the day? Do you have a good manager you could talk to? Or a local doctor, to take a lust of issues to, to see if they can offer help. Some companies have health schemes & occupational therapy that may be able to help. I know the finances add to worries too. Please get some help soon.
This is a really hard one when you have a young family but the one thing we all know about fatigue is that you cannot just push on and ignore it. It will make you ill and your quality of life with plummet.
You cannot improve resilience by doing low heart rate exercises daily, not to strain your system and only enough to make sleep quality better. It’s just gradually raises the level at which fatigue hits.
Identify what are major fatigue factors and try to ration or eliminate them.
Ultimately you may need to work out what you can do and reduce your hours to fit. Or change the type of work to one that is less of a drain? I do t know what you do for a living but as I had to retire due to my own struggles I do know how hard it can be.
We had to sit down and work out what we could afford and then changed life to fit our budget rather than try to push through to make enough.
Simpler life with less outgoings and more rest and fresh air have helped a lot.
I am sorry it’s so hard right now you will find a way through this
You have a brain injury and it's understandable that you have difficulty coping, especially in a work environment. I would recommend inquiring about what government benefits are available to you should you put in a claim for reduced work capacity due to your injury. Keep in mind that you will probably need medical evidence from doctors and specialists. In my case, I had reports from the hospital, all sorts of specialists, images of the specific damage to my brain, and an assessment from an Occupational Therapist.