Hi Guys,
Its been a while since I last posted as time seems to be running away with me just learning how to cope with our new life since my husbands discharge from an 8 month residential rehabilitation journey following his TBI.
He has managed quite well in moving back home and we are now 6 months down the line of learning to put solid routines in place and managing his exposure to the real world as everything new, from the birds tweeting to a quick 30 minute food shop is so impactful it can leave him coping with fatigue for days - I an literally winging it every single day because I cannot seem to find the least impactful route to introducing him to the outside world.
I shouldn't complain as I think maybe this new life has taught me so many things such as living in the moment because we cannot plan, that's no longer a thing for us and whilst he still needs a light touch supervision inside he still cannot go out alone as he just doesn't seems to have those skills to help him measure the risks and keep him safe. He doesn't really remember his abilities from before nor how dynamic and capable he was but I think that has helped us a little, as sad as that may be. He is very accepting and compliant and never challenges or makes any demands. To speak to him as an outsider he appears completely normal and unaffected by the damage caused because his superficial skills such as basic chit chat are intact, but that doesn't become anything more, ever. Its all just chit chat. How is the weather, will it rain, how many stars are out in the sky, why has the moon moved................... The person I once knew and who has been my partner for 35 years is no longer there and in his place is this compliant, unchallenging and content man. I do feel luckier than most who are on this journey but I desperately mourn the life from before and this makes me feel terribly guilty.
Today I received a finance pack to disclose all of our income so he can be assessed for paying for his own care package..... He currently has a 9 hour a week package that allows me to work uninterrupted (I have a full time job that I now need to do from home) just to keep to lights on. I earn sufficient to keep us afloat now that we are on one wage and I fear having to compromise this already strangled lifestyle to leave us with less.
I am told that because he didn't qualify for CHC he may qualify under section 117 of the mental health act for free care but I have never heard of this. I have an OT who is telling me we should be allowing him to make mistakes and is happy for him to go out on his own, locally, where he knows the route, but I am terrified as the discharge only gave me two options, that was to confirm I could provide the 24 hour supervision (light touch inside - close contact outside) or a residential option and I cannot see how he had jumped from needing this level of care, to no longer needing it.
What a journey this is.................. I am in a complete spin and challenged by putting him at risk or allowing him the freedom to make the mistakes - but at what risk. You can only make a life or death wrong decision once.
Today hasn't been a great day and hoping tomorrow is better.............. Thanks for listening x