I'm looking to get into part time administration work. Feel overwhelmed with searching online and applying online. Fatigue sets in with screen work/concentration.
Any suggestions on other options or a positive way to tackle this please? 🤔
I'm looking to get into part time administration work. Feel overwhelmed with searching online and applying online. Fatigue sets in with screen work/concentration.
Any suggestions on other options or a positive way to tackle this please? 🤔
Is administration a good idea because it will involve a lot of screen time. If screen time is wiping you out while you are searching for an administration job, then the job will wipe you out too and you'll be back to square 1.
It's what I do best. Have strategies in place to take regular screen breaks and get out of office for fresh air Would look for something with a bit of daily variety too. It's the looking and applying side that I am struggling with at moment.
Hello. Could you post on LinkedIn and explain what kind of job you are seeking and your skills?