Nights feel very long and lonely when you can't sleep. Anyone else can't sleep?
Wide awake : Nights feel very long and lonely when... - Headway
Wide awake

I feel lonely at night and long
I feel the same. You're not alone. What do you do in the night to pass the time? I'm working on my husband's suit as need to take the trousers up a bit 😊
yes. big sleep problems. horrible to cope with long term.
Hello, I suffered with insomnia for quite a while after being discharged from hospital. I eventually visited a sleep doctor who diagnosed that I had bad sleep hygiene. Look it up online.
Once I had taken on board the bad sleep habits that I’d allowed myself to slip into, I took action and was back to sleeping through the night within a few days.
Good luck
. Do you have a power nap in the afternoon? Sometimes that helps? Maybe you can listen to some gentle wave music something to soothe you. you must be stressed. Is there a reason for the stress? Can you not ask your doctor for something to help you or go to the health shop? they could suggest something you can have.. not sleeping exhausted you and I pray that you will find a remedy for yourself. Please take care. God bless you love Liz and Shelly 🙏⭐️
Thank you so much Liz and Shelly! I believe the reason for my insomnia is medication. When I was on Quetiapine I was sleeping 16 hours a day. I then moved to Lamotrigine which gave me several sleep disorders. Now I'm on Aripiprazole and can't stay asleep for more than a couple of hours. I listen to binaural beats, drink sleepy teas, use temple rub and a pillow spray. Sleeping pills don't touch my sides. I'm now looking at taking vitamins B, magnesium and melatonin supplements. I have an arsenal!! 😂
you certainly have an awesome amount of medication, I take vitamin B also I take evening primrose oil. I’m not sure why it’s called evening and I take it in the morning.ha ha My neighbour is today told me that he’s been put in and medication and when he read out the instructions inside the box it had everything but what he is suffering from. I think that doctors tend to give out medication hoping that we’ll just take them, and not ask questions I live in the UK.
Getting to see a doctor is hard work but when you do see a doctor, You definitely walk out the surgery with a prescription. Please take care and be gentle with yourself lots of love Liz my adorable doggy Shelly.🙏⭐️
Yes, but have my talking books and computer to help me through the night.
Just had my 2 hours sleep and am now wired. Off to drink some sleepy tea and watch a nature program on tele. That should put me back to sleep. Good luck getting through the night! Hope it doesn't drag on too much for you🤞