just has my pip stopped .. I know I have read on here others that have had the same … what can I do .. given zero on everything except 2 on bladder control … joke .. memory shit can’t communication as I should , speech stunner and word finding , is terrible if noise or new people .. read off a list compiled before the call … this was taken as I was aware and Good cognitive and insight .. as I can drive then I had no problem reading which is completely different to reading instructions etc on paper and understanding what I have read .. I also can only drive on roads I know as I can’t cope with finding a new road and doing what is needed to actually drive .. god I hope they never have to face this world with a head injury … I also Show no signs of motivation ( yes I’ve worked my ass off to get where I am now ) and low mood ( I actually told her on the phone that I actually want to die at times cos this isn’t the best place to be ) any help would be appreciated ..
PIP 😢: just has my pip stopped .. I know I have... - Headway
Hi, I have been asked if I have applied for PIP and i haven't but i was told i should as i have some conditions that would count. I just can't believe they have stopped your payments for what you are still going through. I am not sure what to say if in totally honest but I'm not sure if I should apply for it at all now. Hope you have had a good day, and try and not stress out too much, easy said I know..
Please do apply as this is so wrong … I will be fighting it ans anyone with a TBI should do the same as they don’t have a clue and need to hear from everyone to attempt to get them to understand what life can be like an invisible problem ( life changing ) with total sadness that even those who should understand just don’t 😢 sue
Hi, I have taken your advice and listened to Headway too and I applied for it. We shall see if I know what they decide. I just think that us survivirs but still struggle with every day things don't get the full help we need. I know they changed the application for blue badge for cars and applied for that but wasn't successful. So we see how PIP goes. 🤔
contact Mind. They will help you with this
Appeal and appeal again, go to a tribunal if you have to, you WILL win. Get as many letters of support as you can from your GP, specialists, etc to back you and send them in. I did, I won, twice in 6 years...
Thank you I will look when it’s quiet later .. I was thinking at 3am this morning why a decision about me can be made by SOMEONE how dosnt know me and written by someone else interpretation of someone with short term memory issues that are actually bad memory issues .. this should never be on someone’s perception of me .. totally unbelievably .. and extremely hurtful … I’m not leaving this I am taking it further including my MP I’m not being silent anymore Sue🤬
Please,check out your local council for help,I used money matters to help with my reconsideration form and took it to a tribunal but it didn't get that far as it was settled before I went to court.Gd luck
Do appeal. Contact your MP - I’m not sure about this but maybe do this first as I was told that as my sisters claim had already been referred to the Appeal tribunal the MP couldn’t do anything. As I say I’m not sure about that. Get help from Citizens Advice - they can be very good. Get support from the medical profession - GP , anyone who knows your situation.
It’s wrong, it’s exhausting but keep going.
Good luck
Sorry to hear. I had my interview yesterday after applying back in November. My brain haemorrhage was in July, I now have to wait another 8 weeks for a decision. Total madness especially as they have letters from doctors, consultants stating my issue and issues I'm having. The 2 hour call with them took it out of me, made me even more emotional and to top it off I felt no empathy from the person and a dog barking in the background. If I am not awarded I will be appealing as I didn't bring this on myself, it just happened and I am a 30% survivor. So make sure you go CAB and get them to help you appeal it. Good luck, stay strong
(Not so) Good morning Teazymaid
Bloody Hell!
I understand (not a lot) PIP is rereviewed on a 3 yearly cycle so you should have been notified well in advance. I know how hard it is but get on the phone Monday and ask for help - please do not take no for an answer or let them side-track you. Numbers are
● general help 0800 917 2222
● claim/payment status 0800 121 4433
It's the weekend so nobody has any problems which makes stuff difficult. Do you have contact with local Headway group, if so call whoever leads the group. I get more and more help from local Brain Injury Service, part of NHS so no chance at the weekend, but again ask them for help and back up with the PIP people. Do you gave any contact with other NHS consultants who can write on your behalf as should your GP. Your local council should also have a social service department who are legally required to help.
Best wishes
I'm so sorry this has happened to you it's such a worry and so stressful when these things happen I can only advise you to seek help from c a b or disability project or even headway could support you in making an appeal which is your right sometimes when another professional complete your pip form it goes in your favor as it shows you have problems completing it alone. I wish you every success 💙🐻
Bit different but applied for PIP last January & was worst thing could have done. Also got zero after hours of working on it. You should b able to appeal it. Ask for help from Headway, local citizens advice or similar.
Hi Nemo24. Why was it the worst thing you have ever done? I applied for the PIP form and yet to still hand it in due to the stress, worry of it all plus the exhaustion it causes trying to make everything make sense AND this is before applying fully. I have a feeling it's pointless based on a lot of the feedback on this website and causes huge amounts of stress. Is that what you are implying?
Exactly that. Put so much into it and for nothing. The process took little into consideration with how brain injury has affected my life. Write it carefully and get as much help with it as you can.
Thanks for replying.
So how long was the process for yourself from applying to getting your answer? I'm assuming you was obviously turned down. I ACTUALLY THINK filling in the form yourself actually off the bat works against you. Even if it take you months to do it.
So do you feel now you could of done things better to inform them of the real situation?
Go to the CAB or other charity because they know the wording in the forms which you can use at an interview.
Also appeal the decision because they do not take brain injury symptoms into account on the tests.
When appealing make sure you remind them of the statement make in parliament in 2021 by Gillian Keegan, where she said 'every public institution is failing people with brain injury' that includes the DWP.
If that fails go to your MP, it's an election year so no matter what party your MP is from they will help you (they want your and your friends and families vote, cynical but true).
As you have seen on here over and over and over the original application nearly always fails but in most cases they win on appeal.
Keep trying. My husband got his on the 3rd attempt, and this one he had help with. It was an amazing bloke called John who worked at the Brain Charity (Not sure if this exists just in Liverpool or if it is elsewhere?) You need someone experienced with such applications I think.
These lawyers will sort it out for you Guaranteed they have looked after me since my TBI in 2008
thank you everyone for your replies .. I am not expecting their decision . I am just really upset at there lack of support for head injuries and feel like they have totally dismissed what is life changing issues .. I am fighting it as they need to hear and understand what life can be like after brain injury ..Sue x
Like others I would suggest you consult Citizens Advice and also have a look at a Community Advocacy Group called fightback4justice who claim many successes when assisting disabled and others who are denied benefits. Your MP may also provide another avenue of attack. Good luck.
thank you once again … I will be emailing PIP ( my husband will be doing it ) and will be sending a copy to our MP … I am so angry with what has proven to be a appalling approach from DWP and the nhs on after care ( I’ve complained about that before ) unless you are dying you get nothing .. sue 🤬
Your have nearly identical problems to my husband he had his TBI in2006. He was getting DLA before PIP came in. I am his carer so it was down to me to fill in the PIP form surprise surprise I think it was 2 points he was awarded. Went to a face to face assessment that was an absolute joke he was not interested in anything I had to say it all had to come from my husband most of his answers were incorrect or misleading and later admitted he just said anything to get out of there. So I rang Headway head office not local Headway on 08088002244 that was the best phone call I ever made they gave me Potter, Rees, Dolan Solicitors in Manchester phone no. They have since been taken over by Hugh James. Peter Renshaw and his PA were amazing we were due to go to a Tribunal on the 6th Jan 2021 he worked on our case over the Xmas break. The Tribunal Judge said that they did not need anymore information and my husband was awarded Enhanced rate for both Daily Living and Mobility and that is for 5 years. Don't give up you know you are entitled to PIP as my husband was make that call to Headway and ask for Peter Renshaw's help you can read all about his good work and Testimonials on Hugh James website. Good Luck let me know how you get on
this just makes me angry. Hold in there and contact your local headway and Citezans Advice.
Makes me want to kick down government doors.
Can I share your story on social media?
Good luck and keep at them.
I had similar things when I had a stroke.
Yeah you can share and there is a whole lot more I will be writing to them and a copy for our MP .. this is just the financial side but the nhs after care is appalling and I think I have reached a level where I have had enough .. Sue 🤬
My after care was appalling. But don’t blame the NHS blame the government!!!
It’s all hopelessly underfunded.
Appeal.I don't live in the UK but have a friend that does and she has multiple qualifying conditions. They make her appeal at every review and when the tribunal comes up she always gets it.
She uses some sort of support person that helps people with various issues but I don't know what it's called.
She also keeps copies of all past applications and supporting paperwork and keeps a log of all doc appointments and tries to get copies if their notes.
She has to be very organized with it because she knows she will have yo go through it again.
She thinks they just do it because the work is outsourced so they get paid more for denying and they also hope you will give up.
The world in general can be so truly sh***y to disabled people sometimes.
Get some help and appeal.
I didn't apply for PIP when I lost DLA even though I researched it, completed the forms and even addressed and stamped the envelope. It's all about points and meeting the descriptors and it's all too easy to miss the target. I found this video recently and found it interesting and potentially useful to anyone making a claim even though it's not specifically about head injury and can be a bit heavy weather youtube.com/watch?v=VYDYTX2...
Hi. It is very disheartening when you are on the call bearing your soul and the person on the other end has no consideration for the circumstance and environment. A dog barking to them might be minor, to us it shows how serious (not) they take this. Mine said I was attentive etc, however never looked up once because was typing the whole time. Annoying. I have appealed. I found this site to be extremely useful. benefitsandwork.co.uk. I wish you all the best, don’t back down - it’s your right.
hi - sorry I don't have much advice but I wanted to give you support. This sounds so stressful!
I do not understand how the PIP process does not recognise brain injury. Anybody should know that brain injury equals differences that sometimes equals debilitation. What do they think happens with a brain injury? As a group we are really being treated unfairly.
It seems to me that if you have good written evidence from a professional about all the areas you struggle, then it is ok. Not everyone has this professional support or evidence - it is a postcode lottery whether the service exists. If it does exist, there is referral criteria which has increased due to cutbacks and they only see the most serious cases of debilitation and impairment. This means lots of people who used to get supported no longer are even though they need it. Plus if you are several years post injury, then these type of referrals no longer happen if you have already been seen by them, so in this case you will not have professional written evidence yet symptoms might not have improved. This means that people who received PIP in the early years, will have it stopped because they cannot provide the same written evidence. Would a PIP Tribunal overturn a negative decision based on this?
On here I was recommended to buy membership to Work and Benefits. They have Guides to help people fill in forms for government benefits. There is also a Forum to post questions. People get good advice for completion of forms and good outcomes.
There is an online place called Fightback (or similar). I have not used them but see them recommended sometimes.
I am not up to date with the recognition of brain injury. We are less likely to advocate for ourselves and make protests etc because of our symptoms. It is so wrong. I wonder if there is anybody/organisation who represents us to government. Something needs to change.
You shouldn't have to go through this. x
UPDATE on PIP …. I’ve had a meeting with Cornwall disability group and she help me and my husband to challenge there decision and fill in the form .. And a massive thank you for all your kindness . It means the world to me to have people who actually understand and support me .. I am not leaving this as a challenge about what’s happening to me and I am writing to my MP for all head injuries as it’s beyond belief how ignorant others understand how difficult and life changing life can be with our abruptly altered brains … Sue ❤️
really pleased to hear you have had help and have completed the form to challenge them. well done!
do look after yourself while you follow this up. Its great that you can. I would like to do the same. Im not ready to just yet as I have some big things going on and rest and recovery is much needed. I will try and make a start on a letter at some point. I think it is important.