Since hitting my head 3 years ago, one of the symptoms which has still remained is ear popping. I have had several appointment at ENT clinic, but they can’t find anything wrong. It’s been very frustrating. Does anyone else experience this problem and know why it would happen?
ear popping: Since hitting my head 3 years ago, one... - Headway
ear popping
I experience lots of ear popping though it feels somewhat stronger than when you get off a plane. It also seems to happen most when I am trying to relax or when I lay down. Sometimes it feels like a small storm blowing through!I had ENT tests all to no avail. I would love to know if it will ever stop (4 years now after traumatic brain injury). I hope you get more useful responses as no one has explained to me why I get it other than otoliths having been displaced. Best wishes.
Thank you for your reply. I’m sorry to hear your experiences. Mine are different to yours, as the popping gets worse if I’m stressed. I’m not holding up for any answers or solutions. I think it’s something I have to live with. It’s strange what a TBI can do. It’s just useful to know I’m not alone with this.
It’s fascinating to hear yours is pretty well the opposite as in stress vs relaxing. I also get it much worse when humidity is high. I’ve yet to venture on a plane… I wonder if somehow the sinuses may be involved even though it travels across the ‘interior’ of my head. Good to have the discussion. Thank you.
Since hitting my head 6 months ago I suffer with both tension headaches and the need to pop my ears, I cannot say why only that it happens and find that the worse my headaches are the more I need to pop my ears. If I have a day where I don’t have headaches then usually I don’t need to pop my ears or at worse pop them once of twice in a day.
I did a post about 12 days ago on headaches and ear popping and had some replies but no nearer to knowing the actual cause, you should be able to find the post.
Before my head injury I had seen an ENT specialist to check out my hearing amongst other things and apart from some loss of sound in one ear he could find nothing wrong.
I now just accept it as something I now need to do.
Thank you for replying. I think there are still lots the medical provision do not know or understand about TBIs. I think you are right, it’s a case of living with the new experiences, but it’s useful to know if other people have the same problems after a TBI and how they manage them.
I saw a neurologist some months ago and had a brain MRI scan which showed all was normal with my brain for my age, but still I get the tension headaches ?
The neurologist said there is so much that they do not know or understand about the brain at this time.
It is of some comfort in knowing others have a similar symptom and that you are not alone.